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English Second Language

English Second Language

Question # 2: Practical Application


Attachment theory is created by the British psychoanalyst John Bowlby, has been described as the theory of the development of the personality that has had the greatest impact on American psychology after psychoanalytic theory developed by Sigmund Freud. The process of building the attachment theory takes place within specific socio-historical and theoretical foundations of some individuals. Among the most relevant aspects concerning the process, it highlights on the bridge, through the same, you tend between psychoanalysis and ethnology as a basis for an explanation of the constitution of the inter-relational subject (Kennedy, 2004).

John Bowlby studied the effects of early family relationships on personality development. Bowlby's decision to pursue a career as a child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst comes from his experience doing volunteer work at a residential school for maladjusted children in late of the 1920s. This experience sparked his interest in personality development and the key role it plays in early interaction between children and their parents.

Attachment theory does not write methods of intervention and no Settings or certain educational assistance before, but represents an integrative basic theory for understanding relationships, needs and motivations of the individual and its behavior in relationships represent Various therapeutic approaches have Attachment theory already integrated into their understanding of intervention. The theory puts the focus on the resilient coping burdensome for changes in intimate relationships. All forms of assistance that a targeting ling end development of the child, the bond can use knowledge. A systemic, resource-oriented process-oriented and based on normal developmental processes Attitude, however, is contained in the attachment theory from the very start. Attachment theory has been under clinical professionals working with children and families already working as a sound basis for the theoretical explanation of development process and the foundation of interventions implemented. (Lyddon & Sherry, 2001)

Literature Review

According to Bowlby, fear in children can be caused both by the presence of a potential hazard and the absence of an attachment figure. From this premise depart his remarks about separation anxiety and anxious attachment. Moreover, Bowlby reexamines the Freudian concept of the inner world in the light of cognitive theory and expands his ideas about the internal working models, both in terms of the way they are acquired through interpersonal interaction patterns and the role in the intergenerational transmission of attachment patterns. Through this volume Bowlby emphasizes the constant interaction between genetic and environmental influences on personality development.

Bowlby dismisses Freud's theory of drives and lays the foundation for a new theory of motivation and behavioral regulation, based on the concept of cybernetically controlled behavioral systems and complex designed to achieve a particular purpose. According to Bowlby, such behavioral systems are related to the ability to build internal working models (internal working models) of the environment and their own behavior. Bowlby applied this theory to the field of infant-mother attachment describing attachment behavior as controlled by a behavioral system, which aims to achieve closeness with another individual able to provide protection and ...
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