English Language Learning Study

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English Language Learning Study

English Language Learning Study


Learning second language is not a new concept; it has been in practice, since people were living in tribes with primitive language and there was no concept of society. When they began interaction with the communities and tribes of other languages there was need to learn each other's language for better communication and understanding. This was the beginning of learning second language and becoming bilingual or multilingual. This concept was also emphasized by Crystal as it is depends on the interaction of monolinguals in the multilingual society (Crystal, 1992, p. 360-363). It is not possible for everyone to learn many languages; it depends on the mental or cognitive ability of a person and his tendency towards learning of language.

Purpose of the Study

The aim and purpose of this study is to analyse the use and practical implication of second language learning theories in practice. This study also aims to suggest effectiveness of SLA theories in learning and teaching Second language. Learning Bilingualism, multilingualism and different other theories assist a teacher in better understanding of the process of language learning. Second language learning or L2 acquisition is defined by Ellis as the “way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside the classroom” (Ellis, 1997, p.1).

This study aims to help in understanding how these theories assist teachers of second language to use various effective strategies, which can be beneficial in the process SLL. Language learning is a lengthy process which results in developing frustration in both students and teachers. This study also aims to provide solutions for teachers and students of L2 that how these theories assist in resolving problems of SLL. For example, Most of the students over expect to learn second language over night and this creates problem for the teacher to handle such students. Teachers also face problems in dealing language classes with students from different language backgrounds and with different level of intelligence.

Brief Portrait of the Teacher

To understand all these problems and effective implication of language theories, an English language teacher has been interviewed and asked whether the theories of SLA assist in the process of SLA. His first language is Arabic, and he learned English as second language. He also faced various problems while learning English and practicing all the language skills. He has been in this field for many years, and has experience of teaching students of English language for many years. He also shared his childhood experiences of learning English and that what were the problems he faced during his education due to lack of fluency in English. He also shared his experiences as a teacher, and the problems his students and as a teacher he faces during SLL and how language learning theories can be effective in the process of SLA and its practical implication.

Ethical Considerations

During the process of interview all the ethical considerations were provided special ...
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