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English As A Second Language

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English as a second language (ESL)

English as a second language (ESL)


English as a second language (ESL) or English as a foreign language (EFL) means that study which reflects those people who speak and have different native languages. All these terms are used in relative with the teaching and learning of English. However, these terms may also reflect the information of the demographic. English language is associated with immense influence and achievements. This language has been taught all around the world. This language has become the secondary language for everyone in the world except for those who are living in the English-speaking country, and tag as the international language (Harmer, 1991, 54).

Students coming from different countries to the place where English is used as First language, for this purpose they have to learn English. Nevertheless, the standard which has been, using for English learning is same for everyone, no matter from which country they are coming from. From instance, learning English language will be very difficult for a Chinese person and using the same standard for a Chinese person would not be effective so much. For him, some other techniques should be applied so he can learn English rapidly.

Thesis Statement

Lack of diverse teaching approaches for ESL


The techniques that being used recently are useful at one end but do not work at another end. This should be taken into consideration that person or country does not have same potential to adopt and learn English with the same level of training. There should be different approaches and techniques for different people coming from a different region, so that these people can learn English without any difficulty; most importantly understanding the English is the issue. Applying the same standard and level to all species is incorrect, as every student possesses different skills amenities and other preexisting conditions, and therefore, requires the formal training in order to understand the English language aspects (Crystal, 1995, 436).

Firstly, the proper understanding of the grammar and training is essential. As there are lots of tenses, functions of auxiliaries, modal verbs, idiomatic use and articles. This grammar portion might not be found difficult for the person who is coming from France as French is very closely related to English language, and have many similar words, whereas for the Chinese person, this could be very difficult because the writing style and speaking style is completely different from English (Crystal, 1995, 106). It is like a one corner to another corner. Tenses which used in English language have little subtle divergence which creates complexity for the learners such as “I ate the simple past tense and I have eaten present perfect”, these tenses add complexity in the sentences.

Similarly, other complication arises due to the dummy auxiliary verb that includes do, does and did. English language learner finds to be difficult when it comes to the auxiliary verbs. In English language, the use of idioms is at ...
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