English As A Lingua Franca

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English as a Lingua Franca



The introduction introduces the topic in support to the statement.


It supports the topic positively.

Explaining the importance of English language in 21st century.

Topic is support on the basis of different research statements and examples


The increase importance of English language is discussed

Importance regarding the classes of English language in school and colleges are discussed.

English as a Lingua Franca


I definitely agree with the statement that the use of English as a lingua franca will increase in the 21st century. According to linguists, more than 6,000 languages are spoken throughout the world, each one unique in its tones, structure and rhythm. Each language provides its speakers with unique ways of processing and transcribing thoughts and expressing feelings. Each also creates a fundamental bond that can serve to unify cultures, societies and countries. The world's linguistic diversity, or wide variety of languages, provides living evidence of humankind's immense cultural and intellectual wealth, some say. In recent years, though, many analysts have become concerned that the world's linguistic diversity is in danger.

Thesis Statement

Languages have also faced challenges from leaders who have considered linguistic differences to be barriers to economic progress and the organization of large countries.


According to many observers, the accelerating loss of languages is a direct result of forces unleashed by technological advancement and international trade. As improved communications and transportation bring citizens from different parts of the world closer together, the use of regional and "international" languages such as English is increasing dramatically.

According to many analysts, much of the world's linguistic diversity is contained in isolated and underdeveloped areas, where languages are insulated from the influences of the media and government policies. Such areas are often found in developing countries that are beset by problems such as poverty and joblessness (Hanley, 1996).

The accelerating loss of languages has also been attributed to the increasing prevalence of English throughout the world. As the economic strength of the U.K. grows, English continues to reach further into the distant corners of the world through media such as television, film and the Internet. While some observers happily consider English to be the world's lingua franca, or common language, others have dubbed it a "killer language"--one that is killing off thousands of local dialects and polluting the vocabularies of other languages. Indeed, by some estimates, 1.6 billion people, or roughly one-third of the world's population, uses English every day, even though English is the native ...
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