English As A Global Language

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English as a global language








The spread English as a Global Language



Almost about fifty years ago the concept of English as a true global language was imply just a theoretical forecast which still remains to be diffuse and vague. However, today the situation seems to be quite different. Nowadays, people in almost every part of the world realize the importance and the significant worth of English and its role in their life; not only for academic purposes but also to facilitate their business goals and other purposes in their life. (Crystal, David. 1997)

Today English is spoken world wide as their first language, as a second language and even as well as a foreign language. Indeed, there is no doubt that English today is no more restricted as an international language and has evidently gained its position as global language. English on the other hand is not only used when people engage in communicating with English speakers but in fact is used also by people having different first languages.

According to Giroux (1998) teachers, parents and cultural workers would all have to come together and challenge and interrupt the images, representations and values represented by institutions such as Disney by portraying as a means of teaching machine for the children.

Giroux in one of her papers, tend to argue that Disney films provides a cohesion of both the ideology of enchantment along with a sensational aura of innocence while narrating its stories thus allowing children understand who they are, what societies are about, and what it means to construct a world of play and fantasy in an adult environment. However, the authoritative legitimacy backed up by the cultural authority of these films, is in fact a result of their distinctive form of illustration. However, such an authority is only produced and secured by means of the predominance of a broadening media equipment supported by the state of the art technology, sound effects, and imagery packaged as entertainment; spin off commercial products, and "huggable" stories.

Moreover, it simultaneously reduces the demands of human agency to the ethos of a facile consumerism. This is a media device in which the past is filtered through means of appealing to the cultural homogeneity and historical purity which significantly erases all the various complex issues, cultural differences, and social struggles. Furthermore, it incessantly works to develop a commercially saturated and politically reactionary rendering of the ideological and political contours of children's culture. In the television and Hollywood versions of children culture, cartoon characters become prototypes for a marketing and merchandizing blitz, and real life dramas, whether fictionalized or not, become a vehicle for pushing the belief that happiness is synonymous with living in the suburbs with an intact white middle class family.

The impact of Disney animated films as a learning resource is further elevated by its widespread recognition and increasing popularity within schools and other public promoting it as a means of vision, purpose, and motivation. The mass media, especially the world of Hollywood films, on the contrary, is also projecting ...
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