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Causes and Effects of Digital Communication

Causes and Effects of Digital Communication


Lives of modern day human being are marked with the use of digital technology. Gone are the days when people sued to seek entertainment, knowledge, information and communication in outside world. All of these aspects of being alive are available to them in their immediate environment, even within their rooms. Human beings become dependent upon digital technology for everything. This digital technology did not come out of the blue but there are certain causes of its emergence and like every phenomenon, it has also affected peoples; lives, particularly communications.



In today's society the knowledge becomes a key element of change social. Transmission and dissemination of knowledge play an important role. Ease of access and the diversity of modes of access to knowledge are hallmarks of the learning society. The emerging knowledge is related to the ability to identify, produce, treat, transform, disseminate and use information to construct meaning and knowledge creation (David, 2000, pp. 1-27). One can observe the acceleration of the production of new knowledge and especially a growing interest for this new knowledge society. Knowledge is a public good and it could not be considered a commodity among others. In namely the contribution of traditional media which are books, radio or TV is no less important than new technology (Drussell, 2012, pp. 1-45).

The rapid development of information technology and communications and innovation of digital systems represent a revolution that has fundamentally changed the way people think, act, communicate, work and earn their livelihood. The so-called digital revolution has forged new ways to create knowledge, educate people and transmitting information. It has restructured the way countries do business and govern its economy, are governed and politically committed. It has provided fast delivery of humanitarian aid and health care, and a new vision of environmental protection (David, 2000, pp. 1-27).

If, on the one hand, knowledge has become a necessity, on the other hand it is important that it must come with immediate speed. People want to benefit from the knowledge without the need for break through the top-down established hierarchies - instead, they want to obtain information immediately after entering one or more keywords. This requires the use of search systems such as Google, and creates your own personal classification of content - even if it does not make directly. The ideology of technological determinism claims that the technology development alone ensures the development of society.

Effects on Communication

Digital technology has changed the way people communicate with each other whether at personal level or professional level. With the advancement in digital technology, it has become easier to maintain relationship among each other. The world has become a global village and every person, no matter what where they are living, can be contacted in a matter of seconds. Instant messaging, cell phones, emails and video conferences allow people contact each other at any time. On the other hand, social networking websites such as Myspace and Facebook also offer ...
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