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A Way To Pray by Arnold B. Cheyney

A Way To Pray by Arnold B. Cheyney

Authors Introduction

The author of the book called writing a way to pray is written by Arnold Cheney. Arnold is hired at the University of Miami in Florida as an Emeritus Professor of Education. Arnold B. Cheyney is best known for the education column that he authors which is known as the NIR idea corner. This educational Column is published on a monthly basis and is also published in more than 500 newspapers at a national level. Arnold B. Cheyney has done his Philosophy of Doctorate majoring in elementary education. He did his Philosophy of Doctorate from the university of Ohio State. In the University of Ohio State Arnold B. Cheyney also has had the opportunity of teaching in the College of Education. Arnold B. Cheyney experience portfolio is large as he has worked in designation associated with elementary schooling. Arnold B. Cheyney was designated as the principal of elementary school. Along with this position he has also held positions like the a city elementary school supervisor and as a director of gifted children's school programs. Throughout his career Arnold B. Cheyney has been able to author more than five hundred books. Arnold B. Cheyney has not only written books he also ventured into writing articles. He also started writing short stories for children. Arnold B. Cheyney has now become a full-time writer and has formed collaboration with his wife named as Jeanne Cheyney. Collaboratively Arnold B. Cheyney and his wife produce different kinds of educational books along with products. Arnold B. Cheyney books are liked by all and are high in demand.

Summary of the book

Writing A way to pray is a book that was authored by Arnold B. Cheyney, This book was published in the ...
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