In order for software meets the customer's requirements, it is necessary that the requirements are imposed on the software by the customer to know exactly. The object of the requirement engineer is to first identify the stakeholders and resources, and then to raise targets and functional and non-functional requirements systematically (Al-Karaghouli et al, 2005. Pp.252-267). To avoid unnecessary development costs, it is important to narrow down even within the scope of the requirements analysis requirements. Requirement Elicitation is one of the most fundamental techniques of system analysis because, clients and system work together to analyze the techniques of the new system that is developed and, if the system is not meeting the client's requirements then it will fail and, project will also be a failure (Al-Karaghouli et al, 2005. Pp.252-267). Requirements elicitation is also the most difficult stages with several communications barrier that exist between the client and system that do not meet the requirements. Analysis and clients also speak in different languages and, analysts are found to be more technical in nature and, clients will speak more in the technical nature because of analysts.
Advantages of Elicitation Requirements
There are certain goals that have to be accomplished with the help of elicitation requirements such as: the goal is to raise quality standards to clear the system-supported business processes and user tasks and to finally be able to implement.
The support of stakeholders through a system is based on the stated objectives of each stakeholder. The objectives describe results that apply to the stakeholders as desirable. One objective always describes the desired result, but not the way to achieve this result. For this purpose, it is often necessary to decompose abstract goals (e.g. business goals) into specific sub-goals or refine. The implementation and realization of these sub-goals through a system that designed is much easier and faster. Further allows the target quantity, in situations where different alternatives are possible, in certain circumstances a more rapid decision-making, when a target has a higher priority than another target (Goguen et, al, 1993). This can be especially requirements that are in conflict with each other and, helpful.
Techniques for implementing
Survey of Misuse Cases
Scenario-Based Analysis and Validation in Requirements Elicitation
Tagging with the programming Language
Elicitation requirements help in the development of the different rises such as:
Non-functional requirements rise
Tasks and business processes, raise
Scope Set
Raise in the number of objectives
Functional requirements rise
Stakeholders and identify sources
Non-functional requirements rise
Unlike functional requirements that describe WHAT is to make a system functional, and indicates non-functional requirements, a system should know how well to do something qualitative. The non-functional requirements of a system can be of different styles. Thus, within the framework of the ISO 9126 standards, this has been identified and includes the following types of non-functional requirements only include quality attributes such as;
To specify specific non-functional requirements, they must be refined into detailed abstract attributes that are measurable in quality attributes. Example of this is how fast (exact time in seconds) that a system ...