This article is written by Stephanie Ericsson which has grabbed the thoughts with the full descriptions and personal instances. This particular essay defines the several lies which are regular in practice by many of the people. She has mentioned that dishonesty is a cover-up for guilt, hurt, pain and ignorance. But it is essential to glance over that what falsehood does to move in the life? It is not necessary that all lies are intentionally stated for hurting a person. There are certain events in which dishonesty is the best practice to overcome the situation. In her essay of Ericsson, she does not deal with this point but she basically portrays several lies that people are the part of daily routine. She mentions that telling a truth all the times are impossible for a person. Ericsson presents her point of view that there are some delicate lies which do not hurt the person but it can be spoken for their happiness. For instance, if your friend has cooked something for you and you truth says that you are not hungry at this time; it might hurt that person. She uses the white lie which presumes that the truth would root more damage than an undamaging simple untruth. This kind of lies are not considered as sin or ethically wrong. The overall conception of the author defines that it is ok to lie on some situation where truth can hurt someone's heart but not on every situation.
"What Words Can Tell" by Francine Prose
Do you like to read? If so , what?
I like reading as it is the force that enhances the patience level and alleviated knowledge on greater extent. In the article of Francine, it is mentioned that reading is a great tool of communication in which silent words describes the living matters and ideas. I mostly like to read literature, because creativity in writing forces a person to search for the hidden messages and meanings. The language of literature defines the entire situation of the particular context in few words. I mostly like poetry in literature as it is the great writing piece in which few words defines the entire idea and message of the poet. Its musical notes mostly hums in brain's nerves that constantly flow with the rhythm of words. Reading increases the potential of the person to understand many things and also increase knowledge which has the certain value. Writing is greatly relied over the skills of the words selection with the deliberate meanings. Poetry usually provokes a person to fall in deep thoughts and finally sketch those imaginations on writing pad. Poetry reading polishes the numb nerves of one's mind that does not bother to deeply look into the matters. The imaginative scenery of the poet involves person into flow of the context and emphasize over the depiction of words. I would say words are the significant element in the writing which develops the interest ...