Energy Technologies

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Energy Technologies

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In this paper I will be focusing on the energy technologies provides an overview of the current statistics of energy production and shortfalls in the United Sates. My focus of concern will also consider alternative energy sources. These sources of energy are created as an alternative to the traditional or classic fossil fuels. However, there is no consensus on what technologies are covered with this concept, and the definition of “alternative energy” differs according to different authors. There are many sources for the green energy (alternative energy) such as bio fuels, hydrogen, solar, geothermal, or nuclear energy. “However, there are many doubts that alternative energy can meet energy demands better than finite fossil fuels such as oil and coal” (2. Bjorndal, 2010). Therefore, I chose to discuss this argumentative issue after researching the benefits and specifications of each energy source and compare them in my paper. I find this research topic very interesting since it touches one of the most contemporary issues in the 20th century concerning a matter that has been ignored for many centuries. Nonetheless, I am aiming to demonstrate how efficient are alternative energy in comparison to fossil fuels sources and explain more about energy and economy.

Energy Technologies


Natural resources are essential for any nation for its economy and growth. The natural resources are of three main types; renewable, not renewable, and inexhaustible. Renewable natural resources are those resources which need proper care, and it can be maintained or even increase in the quantity. The main renewable resources are the plants and animals. It is because plants and animals depend for their livelihood on other renewable resources that are, the water and soil. The soil also needs care. “There are crops such as wheat, depleting it and make it lose its fertility. It is therefore necessary to alternate these crops with others to renew the nutrients of the soil, such as beans and pulses” (3. Chorafas, 2011).

Natural resources are not renewable. Nonrenewable natural resources are those that exist in specific quantities and to be exploited can be finished. The oil, for example, took millions of years to form deep in the earth, and once used no longer be recovered. If one continue extracting oil from underground at a pace that is currently there, is a risk of running out in some years. The permanent or inexhaustible natural resources are those that are not exhausted, regardless of the amount of productive activities that humans do with them, for example, the light solar, wave energy, sea and wind. The Sahara Desert, for example, constitutes a suitable place to use solar energy. Some inexhaustible natural resources: Sunlight and air. Sunlight is a source of energy, which until now has been wasted, since it has not taken advantage of, this could replace fossil fuels as energy producers.


There is indeed an increase in the amount of need of energy in the world. All these resources are waiting for us to utilize them. For the utilization of these resources, we ...
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