Energy Crisis In The 1970s

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Energy Crisis in The 1970s

Energy Crisis in The 1970s

Background History

The Allied powers had engraved land beyond the British-controlled region of Palestine with the intention of make the state of Israel that would gives out as a motherland for disenfranchised Jews from the region of the world. Most of the Arab inhabitants in the area declined to recognize the Israeli state, conversely, and more than the next decades irregular attacks every so often erupted into full-scale inconsistency. One of these wars of Arab and Israel, the Yom Kippur War, started in early 1973 in the month of October, when Syria and Egypt attacked Israel on the holy day of Yom Kippur of Jews. Subsequent to the Soviet Union started transporting arms to Syria and Egypt, the President of United States Richard Nixon started an attempt to resupply Israel.

In reaction, associates of the Organization of OAPEC- Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries concentrated their production of petroleum and announced a prohibition on shipments of oil to the Netherlands and United States of America and, the major sponsors of Israel. Although the Yom Kippur War finished in late October, the limitations and restriction on production of oil continued, flashing a crisis of energy internationally. As it churned out, Washington's former supposition that boycott of oil for a political reason would harm the Persian Gulf monetarily churned out to be erroneous, as the greater price of oil per barrel in excess of made up for the abridged production .

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