Energy And Climate Change

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Energy and Climate Change

Energy and Climate Change


Environment has numerous effects on health, psychological state, and comfort of the human beings that inhabit it. Therefore, the quality and health of the environment itself holds crucial importance. Protection of environmental quality is required in order to preserve the health of the present as well as the future generations of the human beings (Seekamp, 2000). Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) was created for nothing but this purpose. It is a division of President's Executive Office that coordinates environmental efforts of the federal government and works closely with other related offices and agencies for the development of energy and environmental initiatives and policies. The purpose of this development of policies is to protect the environment and promote green living. Every year, enormous numbers of interns look forward to be a part of this environmental program (The White House, n.d.).


CEQ Internship Experience

CEQ assigns its internees with a variety of tasks to help them learn their field work in a practical manner. The internees are required to work on a number of issues portfolios such as clean water, land conservation, climate change, green jobs, clean energy, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), environmental justice, and coastal and ocean affairs. Interns can gain ample experience by working on these aspects of energy and climate change. Besides that, the program is designed in such a manner that it offers its internees an unmatched introduction to the role of Federal Government in environment and clean energy decision making. Additionally, interns gain experience in media relations and communications, policy outreach and legislative affairs (

Interns gain a broad range of experience by working on a variety of assignments such as managing incoming inquiries, attending meetings, conducting research, and writing memos on a wide range of issues related to environment. Interns ...
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