Empress Luxury Lines the Case Study

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Empress Luxury Lines

The Case study

Empress Luxury Lines

The Case study

Answer 1. Analyze the ethical dilemma faced by Antonio.

When Antonio congratulates and appreciates Kevin for making the right decision we infer that Antonio favored Kevin and he thinks Kevin was right. Likewise Antonio is confused that if he reports the issue to higher management they might fire him as they might be involved. Or he could let Kevin report it. He could also report directly to the insurance company. Antonio faces ethical dilemmas regarding the case Kevin Pfeifer informed him about. Should he report the matter to his official or just sweep the matter under rug as the organization had been previously involved in frauding companies too as the rumor goes .If he ignores the issue and let the insurance company proceed, that will be beneficial to the whole organization as they are facing serious economic crunch. His dilemma is amplified as the result of his choices cannot be guaranteed. If Antonio proceeds to report the issue, an investigation will be held, and he won't be keeping his job in the line but Kevin's as well.

Answer 2. Create two strategies for addressing the situation at hand

Antonio can opt for one of the two strategies. Either he could use the utilitarian strategy or Individualism approach.

Utilitarian approach is the one which focuses on the ethics. This is the action that will lead to greater good while providing less harm (Budetti, 2003). If the choice is between any two actions that this approach will prefer choosing the most ethical action producing larger benefit over harm. In this case Kevin was asked to perform a task before the insurance company arrives that would cost more than $500,000 which is much larger than the actual amount of the damage done that is $1500. Now it was ...
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