Empowerment Through Choice And Control In Mental Health

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Empowerment through Choice and Control in Mental Health

Problem Statement3

Literature Review4

Empowerment Factors4

Mental Illness and Mental Health6

Concepts of Empowerment and Mental Health6

Discussion and Recommendation7

Changes in Mental Health8

Choice and Control9

Community Coordination9

Valued Resources10

Nursing Relationship with mental patient11

Different Associations12

Role of Nursing14

Annotated Bibliography16

Empowerment through Choice and Control in Mental Health

Problem Statement

Empowerment is generally defined as existing and prospective opportunities and conditions that facilitate the process of choice and control, community coordination and valued resources. On the other hand, mental health is defined as the process through which choice and control, community coordination and valued resources are developed to have a positive outcome on the subject or individual. In real life scenarios we do see that empowering conditions provide a foundation for the development and growth of mental health.

Historically for patients with serious mental health problems the emphasis has always been on professional approach and methods with salient elements of control, diagnosis, deficiencies, alleviation of symptoms and training in life skills. With the passage of time limitations of these procedures and techniques have been recognized to a greater extent (Nelson et al., 2001). It was found that basically all patients who suffer from serious mental health issues come under the group of oppressed people (Lord & Dufort, 1996). As a result of these developments more creative and innovative methods and procedures are require to mitigate the sufferings of such patients on a number of fronts such as dearth of authority and command, disgrace, impoverished living and accommodation, unemployment which they need to face and handle on a daily basis. Various types of support either in the society or community has been witnessed as a result of more autonomy at the end of institutions.

During 1990s empowerment philosophy got implemented in mental health having the elements of social justice, community integration and empowerment with special emphasis on the core values of the later (Nelson et al., 2001). Certain notable measures were also observed under the same philosophy like self-help, empowerment supported coordination and supported housing, education, and employment. Under this approach, mental health is addressed as something not covered under the current mental health system. Merely modifying the existing system will not suffice and financial, political and society adjustments are absolutely essential in order to boost the well being of mentally ill patients through the benefits of empowerment.

Literature Review

This paper aims to understand, discuss and explore different experiences of empowerment and mental health in the backdrop of rising empowerment concept. Related concept and relevant research have also been discussed in detail.

Empowerment Factors

As generally agreed there are three common factors attached to the theory of empowerment as far as its comprehensive definition is concerned (Spindel, 2000). The first element is associated with the fact that dimensions of perceived and real power at personal level are of growing significance in empowerment. To this effect it has now become a reality that patients suffering from mental health problems tend to be compliant irrespective of the source. Very often they develop a strong belief that they have become powerless while experiencing issues related ...