Employment Rights

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Employment Rights

Employment rights in the United Kingdom

All employees, regardless of how many hours per week are eligible to receive a written statement from their employer within two months after beginning work.The right to request flexible working

If you are a parent of a child under 17 (under 18 if your child is disabled) or caring for an adult, you have the right to ask your employer for flexible working (Leat 630). You should also have experience of working with the employer at least 26 weeks.

Health and safety

All employers are legally obliged to care for the health and safety of all its employees, for example, they should provide first aid and adequate means of escape in case of fire, protective clothing and make sure that all the machines is safe.Clock and pauses

Almost all employees have the right not to have to work over 48 hours on average per week. Night workers cannot work on average more than eight hours in each 24-hour period (Matten Visser Pohl 153). Workers aged 18 and over (adult workers) are entitled to one day off per week. Workers aged 16-18 (adolescent workers) are entitled to two days off per week. Adult workers are entitled to eleven consecutive hours of rest a day, and at least 20 minutes break if their working day more than six hours. Adolescent workers are entitled to 12 consecutive hours of rest a day, and at least 30 minutes break if they work longer than four and a half hoursHarassment and Discrimination

Discrimination means treating someone worse than other people do. Discrimination can be direct or indirect. Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated worse than others for some reason (Gennard Judge 397). For example, if an employee is not selected for the Asian promotion because of their race, it is direct discrimination race.

Indirect discrimination occurs when a certain employee is unable to meet the requirement, which is not justified in terms of work, and they are at a disadvantage as a result. For example, if an employer only gives training to full-time, it will indirectly discriminate against women, since most part-time workers are women.


Harassment is also a form of discrimination. Harassment can include verbal abuse, suggestive remarks and unwanted physical contact. You may also be discriminated against if you are injured because you were trying to take action about discrimination. It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against you based on your sexuality. This means that you cannot be discriminated against or harassed at work because you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. You are protected whatever your sexuality.

Discrimination based on Religion or Belief

It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against you based on your religion or belief. Religion or belief generally means any religion, religious belief or similar philosophical belief. It does not include purely political beliefs. You are also protected from discrimination of any religion or belief, your employer and see if you are already working for them or applying for a ...
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