Employment Relationship Management

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The Employment Relationship Management


The Role of Trade Union2

The Current issues and Challenges2

Workplace Conflicts2


Labour market fragmentation3

Policies Changing3

Innovation at Workplaces4

The Future issues and Challenges4

The Role of Government5

The Challenges and issues5

Workplace Conflicts5

Support for individual employee5

Providing services5



New Allies6

Promote Unionism7


The Employ Relationship Management


The employment relationship management dependent upon the role of four key stakeholders that are the UK Government, the employees or workers, the employer, and the trade union. The stakeholders participate in the responsibilities and concern

This study focuses on the role of the UK government and the trade union.

The Role of Trade Union

The role of the trade union has been significantly changed over the years. The global competition and trends in legal constraints, outsourcing and sponsorship has led the employee participation to be combined with the participation of union membership and enable the coverage for the collective bargaining. The emerging issues seem to be challenging for the movement of the trade union. It will be crucial to respond the opportunities and challenges in the coming years as well as determining the significance of the influences on employees at work. There is a need to examine the trends that are shaping the relationship between the employees and employers, in the working place. The union has to response to the labour market fragmentation as well as the strategies required to revitalize the membership and also restore the influences at workplace (Bryson and Forth, 2010).

In Britain today, trade unions directly shapes employees working lives, although their influence has diminished. The proportion of member employees in the union fell in the beginning of 21st century although the decline was far less dramatic comparing with the decline in the two preceding decades. The exposure of industries and firms in Britain to a greater pressure, growth in employment, sponsorships of participations, union's ability to recruit, and organize represent and address the issues (Oxford, 1998). Despite of adopting the different strategies and awareness about the law encouraging workers to recognize the union, membership faces a downward trend in the past years. The researchers have provided their prospective related to the future opportunities and challenges. Looking at the trends in recent membership, it monitors how the employer and worker relation is shaped by the union and particularly the employee conflicts and representation (Darlington, 2010).

The Current issues and Challenges

Restrictions on actions and break up of the structures of national bargaining as well as introduced legislative changes that declined the proportion of employees under the collective agreement. The enterprise level and individual level contracts and bargaining are consequently suitable for regulations for the pays and conditions of employees (Brown et al., 2009). Some opportunities and challenges are explained below.

Workplace Conflicts

The rise in the application of employment tribunal suggests that the decline in union has not led to fewer conflicts at workplace (Dix et al., 2009). The studies points out the positive expects of the role of unions to help in resolving the workplace disputes. The autonomy for dispute resolution skills as well as expertise allow the union representatives for ...
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