Employment Relations

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Employment Relations

Employment Relations

Part 1

Evaluate the key findings from the CIPD Employment Relations Survey Report (April 2011) for contemporary UK organizations in a specific business sector. Your analysis should incorporate findings from other contemporary sources / research studies to support and develop points made (CIPD, 2011,, 4).

CIPD Employment Relations Survey Report surveyed some of the organizations from the 371 organizations, out of 10 organizations, 6 organizations identified that one or more than trade unions from which 97% of public services and 31% of private sector. The survey results obtained from the CIPD employment relations showed considerably higher as compare to the 30% average results of national survey (CIPD, 2011, pp. 4-18). Almost 90% of the organizations have employed among 10,000 to 20,000 that identify one or more trade unions as compare to 34% of such businesses that have employed 250 staff. The trade unions identified by the organizations were 27% identified one, 24% identified two, 17% identified three and 31% identified more than three. However, it can be evaluated that in the era of globalization, a contrast has emerged between the boundary of systems of labor-management relations based on national territories and the dissolution of capital flows due to the reduction of trade barriers (CIPD, 2011,, 4).

Globalized companies are in a view to obtain the limited systems nationally for the employment relations which have number of advantages. In which the presence of companies in several national systems of employment relationships helps the company to a have a view of greater information base with regard to this systems efficiency and allows for international comparisons. In addition, resources mobility creates the freedom in the choice of location which is required for certain service provision and recovery processes. It is above all the national state-dominated parameters such as taxation and regulation intensity of employer-employee relationships a prominent role(Dyer & William, 2000, pp. 25-79). However, in a comparative advantage of industries from an international perspective, the respective systems of employer-covered employee relationships weight much. This trend will indicate that nation states are prompting more and more, the system of employer- employee relations works as a design object to be positioned so that they are attractive to foreign direct investment. Particularly in view of the important advantages of globalization is the design and evaluation of the effectiveness of systems of employer- employee relations in the international comparison is of increasing importance (CIPD, 2010,, 5).

Considering the employment relations in the United Kingdom, the Retail industry has been selected in which the employment relation of Tesco will be discussed in detail. The CIPD survey report has been considered very important for maintaining relationships between the management of the retail business owners and the employee. Whereas from the survey report of CIPD it has been identified that there was positive relationship between management and the unions, which indicates towards the trends of the industry. Even though there was positive relationship identified but the percentage of this positive trend has been dropped by 10% as compare to the ...
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