Employment Portfolio

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Employment Portfolio



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RE: Application for Internship - (Finance/Accounting Internship)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a dedicated person; willing and eager to acquire a versatile set of skills. The acquired skills would help me adapt to my new surroundings. I am quite self motivated which would allow me to perform well at my job. I am pursuing a degree in Accounting and presently I am in the second year of my academic degree. I wish to gain some experience in the Finance industry to broaden my horizons in the future.

I am highly interested in the Assistant Accounting programme being offered by your company. I firmly believe that by gaining experience in your organization, I would be able to enhance my theoretical knowledgebase and acquire practical expertise in the field of finance. By doing internship at your company, I would be able to apply my academic knowledge on the subject and gain relevant experience. The vast array of knowledge I have acquired in the modules of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Law of Accounting during my education would certainly be enhanced.

The programme offered at your organization would allow me to provide relevant analytical and financial support to the operations of the financial department at the company. I enjoy conducting monthly analysis and financial reporting. I am also very much interested in producing the company's accounts I firmly believe that by working on the Financial Analyst's position at the organization; my knowledge in the finance industry would increase. It would also allow me to develop the vital skill set needed to work in the finance industry.

Currently, I am pursuing a first class honours degree; it ensures that I would have well developed accounting and technical skills. During the course of my degree so far, I have learned the major difference between Financial and Management Accounting. I am quite flexible and can easily adapt to demanding situations. In a course I took at the university, we had to develop a holiday package for couples. During the project, our team leader fell ill so I took control of the project and guided the rest of the group. I was simultaneously managing the group as well as looking after my performance in other courses. It clearly indicates that I am very flexible and capable of using situations to my advantage. I always approach tasks positively and have an optimistic outlook on things. I am also able to instil the same feeling in the group I belong to. I am quite responsible and my superiors can depend on me.

Due to the initiatives I have taken in the past, I have developed adequate numerical and analytical skills. When these skills are paired with team leadership skills; I can certainly approach and accomplish any task. I have taken part in numerous projects in pursuance of my degree course i.e. Student in Free Enterprise Society (SIFE). The project was applied in the university. I have also held the post of Assistant Financial Advisor to the ...
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