Employment And Labor Law: Project And Discussion Board

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Employment and Labor Law: Project and Discussion Board

Employment and Labor Law: Project and Discussion Board

: Unit 4 DB Discrimination Part 3- Immigration Reform And Control Act

Question no. 01: IRCA Law Application to Patricia's Restaurant

Starting a new business venture is an inevitable task. The management of capital, workforce, legalization, environmental protection, competitiveness, and other secondary manifestations are extremely important (Youn et al., 2012). Likewise, Patricia successfully established a small town restaurant and owning it with the limited workforce of fifteen employees. It will help Patricia to save from hiring illegal immigrants that are not legit to work in the country (Youn et al., 2010).

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) were enacted on 6th November, 1986 that restructured the immigration law of United States. The salient features of this act include the legalization of illegal immigrants that are living in the United States earlier than 1st January, 1982 (Cleveland et al., 2012). This act is applicable to the Patricia's restaurant as it has economic and legal impacts on the business operations.

Question no. 02: Concequences over Unauthorized Alien

Public Accommodation Discrimination Laws hold it unlawful to reject to serve others because of their race, sexual orientation, or national origin (Cunningham, 2010). Patricia must abide regulatory laws to ensure the alienage or citizenship status of employees. The Law Against Hiring or Harboring Illegal Aliens in 1999 states that this conduct is not substitute for legal and professional direction in particular situations. Such employers are convicted to felonies (Cleveland et al., 2012).

Question no. 03: Policies and Procedures for Law Compliance

I do agree with the stated consequences as breaching the law for work authorization status is next to crime. This is because knowingly facilitate illegal aliens may compromise the employment opportunities for residents and legal aliens (Youn et al., 2012).

Patricia must ...