Employment And Labor Law

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Employment and Labor Law

Employment and Labor Law


The company wishes to hire 20 temporary employees for the summer. There are some legal obligations, as well as, legal considering that need to be kept in mind before going for the process of hiring temporary employees. Temporary and permanent employees have their own set of responsibilities, as well as, legal obligations that are set for the employers hiring them. Hiring temporary employees is different from hiring the permanent ones. However, both forms of hiring need to be bound by, as well as, need to be in accordance with the law, rules and regulation set by the authorities for hiring of employees. This report will incorporate the legal bindings that the laws and authority have set on the hiring of temporary employees of the business. Furthermore, the benefits that need to be provided by the company to the employees is also discussed. A brief outlook of the taxes that are binding on the temporary employees will also be included.


Planning seasonal workforce need to be accompanied by the laws and regulations that are binding on the employers hiring the temporary workers. The following points will make the legal obligations clearer. It is necessary that the employer knows, and have an idea about the following when they hire temporary employees (www.labour.gc.ca).

Payroll tax

Pay as you go


Equal employment opportunities

Anti-discrimination and anti-harassment

Insurance policies

Awards, leaves, pay rates, employee hiring, employee termination and the system of rewards

Ensuring workplace health and workplace safety

Labor Laws

The labor laws covering discrimination, harassment, as well as, safety and health at the workplace also apply to the seasonal workers, as many as they apply to the permanent ones. Furthermore, the part time, or the temporary employees also have equal rights relating to the Fair Labor Standards. They share the same rights as the permanent employees on issues regarding the minimum wage, child labor, record keeping, as well as, overtime pay (www.laws-lois.justice.gc.ca).

Harassment and Discrimination

It is the responsibility of employers to provide their employees a workplace that is free of all kinds of discrimination and harassments. This comes under the national, as well as, state discrimination laws. The temporary employees also need to be given such an environment. If a temporary any other fellow employee harasses the employee, whether temporary or permanent, the employer has to face the charges and he will be liable for any such situations and acts. It is the responsibility of the host employer to respond promptly to such incidents and take necessary actions. The temporary employees also need to be informed of the policies regarding harassment and discrimination, as well as, the reporting procedure if any such incidence takes place with them or some other person (www.laws-lois.justice.gc.ca). If the temporary employee is the one who is the offender, the company also needs to take prompt action against him. The issue can also be raised with the staffing agency that referred the temporary employee. The staffing agency can then take the appropriate action against the employee. The host company can also request for a ...