Employees Rights/Safety - Mgt516 Case3

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Employees Rights/Safety - MGT516 Case3

Employees Rights/Safety - MGT516 Case3


The man as a worker by his mental and physical effort is equipped with sufficient knowledge and ability to discover, develop, innovate and evolve the art and science for good or ill of the company. Therefore, it is essential to a climate of peaceful coexistence in organizations, based on the spirit of collaboration, mutual respect and harmonious integration, through the good treatment, consideration of the merits recognition of the opportunity progress and timely understanding, all this involves the study of Human Resource Management (Walsh, 2010). This paper attempts to analyze the Employees rights and safety issues in the light of legal implications accepted and applied worldwide.


The Human Resource Management has several functions to be performed and one of them is the Rights of the worker health and safety. The Human resources are the main assets of an organization and they have every right to get maximum safety at their workplace. The employees have the right to refrain from work (in the event that conditions do not comply with the provision of health and safety and pose a direct threat to the health or life of the employee, or if the work performed that danger threatens others) (Friend & Kohn, 2007). Secondly, they have the right to remove themselves from danger (if to abstain from work does not eliminate the threat). Thirdly, they have right to refrain from performing work which requires special medical fitness (if the worker does not ensure safe working practices and poses a threat to other people) (Walsh, 2010).

Responsibilities of worker health and safety

The employee is required to:

Observe the rules and principles of health and safety,

Know the rules and principles of occupational health and safety, take part in the training and instruction in this area, and submit to examinations required clearances,

Perform work in accordance with the provisions and principles of occupational health and safety and comply with the issued orders in this regard and guidance of superiors,

Ensure proper condition of machinery, equipment, tools and equipment and the order and harmony in the workplace,

Use collective protection measures and the use of personal protective equipment assigned and clothing and footwear, as intended,

Undergo initial and periodic inspection and other prescribed medical examinations and comply with medical indication (Friend & Kohn, 2007).

Immediately notify the supervisor noticed a workplace accident or threat to life or health of people and warn colleagues and other people in the area of danger.

Cooperate with the employer and superiors in carrying out responsibilities for health and safety.

Employment at will

For a business to reach their highest potential, it is crucial that every employer has clearly defined what type of employee the company needs, such as employees at will, regular employees, independent contractors and / or temporary employees. It is also imperative that both sides both the employee and the employer must understand the state and federal laws surrounding the work. An employee is an employee at will if there is no collective bargaining agreement ...