Employees, Company Law And Partnership: Literature Review

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[Employees, Company Law and Partnership: Literature Review]


Table of Contents


Background of the study1

Problem Statement1

Purpose of the Study2

Aims and Objectives2

Significance of the Study2

Reliability and Validity3


The Companies Act 20064

Duties of the Directors5

Shareholders and Contracts6


Registration of Limited Liability Company in UK8


Research Approach9

Data Collection9

Literature Search Criteria10

Analysing Data10


Projected Time Table11



Background of the study

Spectacular corporate collapses during the last twenty years in Europe has led to a significant intensification of the global corporate governance research. In 2003, an Action Plan on modernizing company law and corporate governance was adopted simultaneously by Europe and Britain. Until the introduction of the German Corporate Governance Code in 2002, the regime level of soft law in this country was largely unknown. It unfolds its effect by controlling the duty of the management of listed companies to declare annually the compliance or non-compliance with the Code requirements (Parkinson, 2008, 85). The Companies Act 2006 regulates companies within the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom (Morse, 2006, 39). The Act was brought into on 1 October 2009 and superseded the Companies Act 1985.

The partnership can be organised in such a way that non-residents of Great Britain, which conduct their activities abroad, can enjoy the prestige of a true English company and avoid paying taxes in this country (Micklethwait, 2008, 10).

Problem Statement

There exist a lot of problems regarding the implementation of Companies Act 2006 due to the fact that it remains unclear about certain provisions aimed at facilitating the minor shareholders. The objective of this particular Act is to streamline the management of small stakeholder limited companies. There are many instances that companies have failed to implement the provisions of the Act after its declaration from the competent authority, thus forcing the promulgation of a Directive instead, in the year 2007. This Directive has proposed several changes in the existing Companies Act of 2006.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to highlight the importance of partnership in accordance with the provisions of company law of the United Kingdom. This paper will also discuss the duties and responsibilities of the directors. The Companies Act also guarantees the protection of a firm's employees, and the requirements on the part of the companies to enter into a commercial contract.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the study are to:

Highlight the importance of Company Law.

Discuss the provisions of the law with regards to business partnership

Discuss the prevailing practices in the corporate sector and the impact of the Company Law on their functions

Analyse the provisions of the Law that address the employee-related issues

Significance of the Study

The significance of this particular study is evident from the fact that there is no substantial research available on the current practices of limited companies operating in the Great Britain. Although the Company Law is meant to protect the rights of employees, but there exist no sound mechanism for the implementation. This is the reason why the implementation of the Act was postponed till 2009. The conditions for the limited firms to enter into ...
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