Employee Scorecard

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Employee scorecard

Employee scorecard


The best known history of the Employee Scorecard is the Tableau de Bord appeared in France, which had financial and nonfinancial indicators to control the various business processes. Since the sixties there were different approaches to control business processes. The idea has always revolved around selecting a set of indicators that could be built to support the management, which normally only business areas were identified and fixed. In fact, the approaches were very specific company, not as part of a general culture began to spread (Kaplan, & Norton, 1992).

However, General Electric and Citibank are among the companies that pioneered the construction of models for monitoring and control objectives based on indicators. Employee Scorecard undoubtedly reflects the idea of using indicators to assess the human resource strategy and development. However, it also adds other features that make it different and more interesting, and allowed it to evolve from their own and initial definition. Moreover, there are a set of indicators that provide, to top management, a comprehensive view of business. Furthermore, the Employee Scorecard reduces the possibility of failure of a person, since the indicators are defined by a multidisciplinary group of subjects not given the option to select or not select some of them, just if you are among the leading indicators is relevant is because at some point for the implementation of the strategy and the monitoring thereof. Thus, employee scorecard will facilitate in solving the scenario that employee xxx faces because of the surrounding notions (Arthur, Woolcock, & Sullivan, 1996).


The vision and business strategy dictate the path which should be directed individual and collective efforts of a company. The definition of strategies is inherently complicated, but implementing it represents the biggest obstacle in most of the time. The challenge corresponds to identify exactly what should be monitored, to communicate at all levels of the company, if the strategies are being achieved through very specific actions. However, Employee Scorecard is the main methodological tool that translates strategy into a set of employee performance measures, which provide the structure for management and measurement system. It acts as an access to key information stores offers the possibility to present the results of performance and understand why they are giving these results (Kaplan, & Norton, 1992).

The Employee Scorecard induces a number of outcomes favoring the human resource decisions of the company, but to achieve it is necessary to implement the methodology and application to monitor and analyze the indicators obtained from the analysis. Aligning employees to the company vision, communication to all staff and compliance objectives, redefinition of the strategy based on results, translating the vision and strategies into action for the employees, Integration of information from various business areas, workforce Development of the project promoters, and several other notions get answered with the help of employee scorecard. However, the problem stated in the case that employee xxx faces can be tackled by means of employee scorecard. There will be things that will measure the tendency of the problems and help ...
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