Employee Relation At Finder

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Employee Relation at Finder

Employee Relation at Finder

Background of Study

Employees are the epitome of all companies and organizations that currently exist in the world today. One should understand and comprehend that people make or break the organization; on many a times, it has been witnessed that while the company, the product concept and even promotional campaigns have been set in the right direction, but it is due to the inability of the people and lack of inducting quality human resource that companies tend to lose out on the best and most competitive opportunities, which would help them progress in the overall industry (Ann, 2007, pp. 85).

Employee Relations In The Wake Of Recent Industrial Actions

The employment relationship can be defined as a relationship based on an agreement between the employee and the employer .an employee who entered into an employment relationship shall be subject to the internal code of conduct and the employer is obliged to provide it with working conditions in accordance with the law, collective or individual employment contract (Ann, 2007, pp.85).

Labour relations arise between employer and employee on the basis of the concluded their labour contract. In addition, the employment relationship may also arise from the actual assumption of the worker to work with the consent or at the request of the employer, even if it has not issued an employment contract (Bernhardt, 1995, pp.315).

Company employees who transfer to other countries to work in new divisions should have the ability to adapt quickly and work efficiently anywhere, speak the language of that country and know the customs and living conditions of its inhabitants (Mitchell, 2007, pp. 96). For this reason, human resources manager must make a careful selection of employees who perform these duties abroad or other regions of the country, focusing not only on the capabilities and expertise, but in the adaptability which holds that employee for their efforts and performance (Stacey, 2006, pp. 23).

Organizations are no longer limited by national boundaries; the world has become a global village so that administrators must be able to work with people of different cultures. The globalization affects the ability of dealing with people of the directors at least 2 ways: first, the manager is increasingly likely to receive an overseas assignment.

Second, even at home, peers and employees inducted will work with bosses, peers and other employees who are born and raised in different cultures should be aware of their duties and responsibilities, regarding of their cultural or global standing in the country or the world at a particular point in time (Matten & Moon, 2006, pp. 335).

To work well with these people, the employee has to understand their culture, how they formed and how to adapt the management style of these differences (Steel, 2007, pp. 346). Globalization changes the whole system of social relations, including social and labour as part of the system (Takahashi, 2006, pp.193).

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