Employee Motivation

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A Report on Organising and Motivating the Staff






Employee Organization2

Employee Motivation2

Temporary Staff- A Different Perspective3

Staff Organization Strategies for a Temporary Project3

Employee Motivation Strategies- A Project-based Approach5

Open Environment Policy5

Comprehensive Rewarding System6

Specification of Job design and Adequate Resource Planning6


Continuous Assessment and Recommendation7

Providing Excellent Working Conditions7

Tailored Motivation Plans8




A Report on Organising and Motivating the Staff


This report is intended to explain the strategies that would be implemented to organise and motivate the staff employed for the project. The organizational and motivational strategies supposed to be implemented in the project would be discussed with respect to core strategies on “employee motivation” and “staff organization”. The plans to ensure a smooth flow of operations in the project would be discussed in terms of their application to the orthodox organization and motivation theories/principles.



Employee organisation under the rubric of management refers to adequately utilizing the human resources and ensuring that the employees perform at their optimum. The technological determinism theory of organisation maintains that technology heavily influences the manner in which the employees operate in a company. Good organisation of employees is vital for the completion of projects. Hence, as the manager of the satellite office team; it is vital to keep the aspects of employee organisation and technology in mind when managing a construction project team.


Motivation refers to “the direction and persistence of actions”. Employee motivation is a multi faceted phenomenon and tends to study the variables which keep the employee motivated and focused. In order to keep the satellite office team and the temporary construction employees motivated; the extrinsic i.e. tangible rewards for employees such as fringe benefits, salary, promotion, bonuses and work environment would play a vital role in employee motivation. As the manager of the satellite office team; it is vital to make sure the employees are motivated and focused at the completion of the project.

According to Kets de Vries (2006), most of the best performing companies follow a distinct of values which ensure suitable conditions for work. It induces improved human functioning and causes employees to put in extra efforts. As Gary Kusin, CEO of FedEx rightly said “Work is about telling employees that they are important; their hard work and efforts matter and that they're doing a good job. Often, such motivations are more effective than monetary gains.

Employee Organization

For any firm it is essential to hire the best human capital in order to excel at assigned projects. For temporary projects, it is better to outsource the employees; however they need different motivation strategies to achieve the benchmark. Staff organization is mandatory for employees of any organization. However, hiring and organizing temporary staff is a more complicated task, since, they are unaware of firm's code of conduct and procedural structures.

Employee Motivation

The most fundamental and commonly explained term in the genre in business is 'employee motivation'. It is the broadest, yet the most fundamental context of the corporate world of today. Most precisely it is defined as “it is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment ...
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