Employee Morale

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Employee Morale

Employee morale

Module 3

Module 3: Title

The main topic of this module is related to 'Addressing the specific morale issues'. This topic defines various morale problems of the employees in any organization and further elaborate its remedy through defining ways of maintaining a positive morale with in the organization.

Terminal Performance Objectives (TPO)

At the completion of this module, an individual will get to learn about the development techniques of morale among the employees. This would be done from defining methods of the spreading a positive morale among employees and develop a reference list.

Enabling Learning Objectives (minimum 2)

By the end of this module, a proper understanding of how the morale of employees can be increased is defined through various steps of improving the positive morale within the workplace. How employees can attain their position in the workplace and how they should get treated. What are the environmental conditions that has to be followed and how they should be maintained.

Module Content Outline

The outline of this module is;

Maintaining Positive Morale

Ways through which low morale prolems can be approached;

Do Surveys on the morale of organization's employees

Measures employee morale through periodic interviews

Note productivity

Rotation Frequency

Measure absenteeism

Afterwards, the techniques of increasing positive morale are defined;

Increase employee's morale

Healthy environment.

Positive acts at workplace.

Reward and recognition.


Learning Activities

The learning objectives from this module are adapted with proper analysis of the study and finding ways through which one can predict the problems being faced by the employees. For this surveys and interviews would be conducted from the employees of various organizations. The methods and steps of doing these evaluations are defined in detail within the study.

Source Information

The information for this module is collected from various articles and scholarly books which are cited and referenced properly by the end of the study.

Assessment Item Types

After the analysis conducted in the study, it has been shown that from the implementation of steps improving morale of the employees, the organizations and managers must need to address and assess the steps of maintaining morale of the employees at the workplace. The study gives the participant an understanding that how in the corporate world employee's morale plays a crucial role. At the end a brief overview of the study is shown in the presentation attached to it.


From the study we can conclude that participant will get the transition of employee issues that are being addressed in the overall study. However, it gives a clear learning of behaviors and attitudes one must possess for a healthy and effective workplace construction.

Morale Issue

As a manager, one has to learn strategies to improve the morale of its employees and increase productivity. No matter how good a company suffers occasionally result of declining morale of its employees. Then it is necessary for workers with low-cost funds as quickly as possible to satisfy in order to be more productive and constructive. Only a satisfied employee is a motivated worker (Bowles et al. 2009).

Affects of Low Morale

Low morale of employees can have worst affects over the productivity of themselves ...
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