Employee Development Module

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Employee Development Module

Employee Development Module

Employee Development Module


Employees are key human resource to organization and have direct relationship with organization success. All organization is required to manage four basic resources that are money, information, equipment and people. Investment in all four key areas creates positive impact on firm success. However, investment on people in form of training and development can become more productive and more efficient in their respective jobs. Aguinis & Kraiger (2009) indicates that managerial training for employees has effective for employees and their progress. This report aims to describe the importance of Training and Development program and identify training and development program which would be beneficial to students studying Human Resource Management.


Development of Management Talent

Noe, (2002) suggest that Human Resource Management better quality have results higher percentage of employees in the formal plan for development and both new and experienced employees can spend more hours in training every year. Investment in development of employees simply means to increase organization employee values. Through improving individual capabilities, organizational capabilities directly improved.

There are number of organizations that use caching to develop skills of employees to have ability of strategic thinking, decisiveness, innovation and motivation to other that significantly help high potential employees in their development process. Putting people in the position of management and expecting them to develop skills and knowledge on their own. Organization can also systematically develop talent of employees through combination of succession in planning and management development in order to o create long term management process roster across the organization.

Brown, (2001) indicates that coaching is the combination of training and the feedback that given to employees where employee can learn after reading feedback about them. Coaching purpose is means organization have experienced employees that show lesser experienced employee about how to do better.

Training and Development

It is heart of a continuous effort that designed to improve the competency on employees as well as organizational performance. Training has impactions of productivity such as health and safety at work. All the employees of organization may need to train and develop their staff. There are number of organizations cognisant this requirement and invest their efforts and other resources to make the effective training and development sessions (Mestry & Grobler, 2004).

Factors Influence Training and Development

There are number of factors that influence Training and Development program

Top management support

Aim of top level management that their Training and Development program need to be successful. Basic reason for top management support to T&D in organization is to stay in the competition race.

Communication from Specialists and Generalist

There is a need to commitment from line manager and the like that become another potential factor of Training and development program.

Technological Advancement

In this global world, every couple of years results new technology. In order to stay in the market, organization needs to update their employees about use of new technology to stay in race of successful. For example, Internet is one of the strong influence through which recruiters ...
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