Employee Commitment And Employee Engagement

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Employee Commitment and Employee Management

Employee Commitment and Employee Management


Most of The organizations and employees consider employee engagement and employee commitment as the same concept. Usually people do not find any major difference between these two factors. One of the facts about these concepts is that both are used as means of measure of performance in organizations. Employee engagement and commitment towards the organization and assigned job are considered as a competitive advantage of an organization. The strength of these factors in an organization leads to higher productivity and lower employee turnover. Therefore, it is quite obvious and evident that the majority of successful organizations has invested heavily in forming policies and procedures that cultivate engagement and commitment at workplace.

Employee engagement is a clear source of cash inflow into the company and customer satisfaction. Companies like Caterpillar and Molson Coors Brewing have set ultimate examples of success and benefits from appropriate application of employee engagement and commitment. The main theme of employee engagement is dependent on the employee satisfaction and belief or pride in employer. This is achievable by loving what you do and believing that the employer is valuing your work. It is researched practically and theoretically that higher level of employee engagement, higher shall be the probability that the employee will work hard to contribute in the success of the organization.

It boost the performance of the employee and increases the chances that employee shall work for a longer time with his/her employer. As per the results of research conducted by Software house Intuit, the employees that are highly engaged in their work perform 1.3 times higher than ordinary employees. These employees have five times lesser chances of leaving the company (Vance, n.d., pp. 1-23).


The concept of employee engagement has an integral position in the literature of management particularly in Human resource practices since 1980s. The extensive research conducted in the field of HR has emphasized upon the relationship between employee engagement and organizational success such as lower employee turnover and higher productivity. As per the survey results of Global Work Attitudes 2008, employee engagement is strongly correlated to financial profits, higher shareholder return and higher share prices. In addition, it is reported that employee engagement has a positive relation with lower employee absenteeism, higher customer satisfaction, lower loss of inventory, and increased sales. Numerous empirical research studies have reported a link between employee engagement to job involvement, mental empowerment, job satisfaction and employee commitment. The concept or phenomenon of employee engagement can be linked to specific behaviours or attitudes. Employee engagement can be used to produce desired work attitude (Nanderam, 2010, pp. 1-124).

Definition of Employee engagement

The meaning of Employee engagement has been derived differently by numerous organizations and consultants. The quantification of such a theoretically diversified concept is a difficult phase. However, some researchers have developed several measuring techniques and criteria to deal with this issue such as the extent to which employees work, strength of dedication and commitment towards the job and ...
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