Employee Ability

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Team Work and Problem solving

[Writer's institute]

Employee Ability

Assignment 1

Part A

In order for a team to stay productive, each member of the team needs to understand the shared goals. Most of the team members are not aware of the functional objectives because they change over the time. It is the leader of the team that has to communicate the change so that there is no conflict between the interests of the team members and that of the team. There are different roles assumed by people in a team. Some work as clarifiers, who translate complicated tasks into easier ones that could be comprehended by the members and others are problem-solvers as they work within the system to solve the problems that may hinder a team's progress (Cavallari, 2009).

The healers, in a team, have to solve disputes so that the team efforts could be centralized to materialize goals. There are organizers that have to develop a plan for the team. The summarizers are also there that can help the team members analyze the specifications of the job tasks by not going into details. The last role that a team member can play is that of record-keeper that would record each and every activity of the members and would suggest the ways to make improvements. Together, all these people, with different roles, pursue shared goals expeditiously. The goals can never be materialized if the team members are not clear about the things they have to do in order to attain milestones.

It becomes difficult for the teams to achieve the shared goals if none of the member is ready to accept the positive as well as negative consequences of their work (Humbert, 2010). The team leader has the job to direct the efforts of each and every member into a particular direction because the landmarks are the same for each member. The member has to identify and prioritize the tasks that need to be done in order to achieve the landmarks. The tasks are to be simplified and written down so that it becomes easier to pursue the definite goals.

The team dynamics is the term used to denote the behaviours or forces that can affect the pattern of teamwork. Looking at the team dynamics, the leader can judge the capacity of the team to produce the expected outcome. These dynamics can also be seen as natural forces that can bind the individuals but also can break them apart. For example, there is a team of 8 people that has been formed to achieve particular organizational objectives and two of these eight people are friends with each other. There is a natural bond that exists, which can influence the team behaviour as they will bind together to solve tougher problems.

It is not about what method they use to achieve those goals as it is all about how seriously they want to accomplish those goals. Flexibility is the key to achievement as the team members need to accept the fact that they have to stay ...
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