Employability Skills

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Employability Skills

Employability Skills

Task 1 (a):

SMART Objectives

Following are the SMART objectives:

Specific: Increasing the productivity and quality of the work of the team.

Measureable: The productivity and the quality of the team will increase 20% then it is now within a month.

Achievable: Better communication and interaction between the team members.

Realistic: More team building strategies and tasks will be employed to increase productivity and team work.

Timely: Within 30 days, the quality and productivity of the team will increase.

Strategies to Monitor and Evaluate SMART Objectives

To monitor and evaluate the SMART objectives, I will set certain weekly goals. If I manage to accomplish those goals within the time limit it will demonstrate that I am going towards the right direction. My performance and my productivity will also determine the SMART objectives. The quality of my work as well as the productivity of my team will also help in determining and evaluating the SMART objectives.

Strength and Weakness

Following are some of my strengths:

I have strong leadership skills

I am ambitious and hardworking

I am not afraid of failure

I am committed and responsible

Following are some of my weaknesses:

Sometimes I try to impose my decisions on others

I am not a very good strategic learner

Personal Development Plan

Strategic learning is defined as the appreciation of the scholars in this area as a set of cognitive processes, procedures and skills that occur when the individual tries to learn a significant and involves a content-type processing informed, deliberate and self-regulating. It is the process by which the student chooses, coordinates and implements procedures to obtain end related learning. Consequently, one might note that it is the process where the individual acquires a series of cognitive skills and strategies to facilitate future learning, which are used in a conscious way to achieve a particular purpose "learn" (Martin 2002, 67).

This type of learning is a constructive internal self structuring, reconstruction of cultural knowledge, internal reorganization schemes which enters imbalance, occurs when what the individual already knows what you should know, facilitating mediation or interaction with other pairs. In addition, for the construction of structures made by the individual employs self-reflexive processes, which is why that metacognition plays a fundamental role in autonomous learning (Jung 2005, 634). It is essential to become a strategic learner, to become strategic in the learning approaches as it helps in building and developing vital skills.

Task 1 (b):

Financial and Non Financial Rewards to Improve Performance

In an organization, there should be more than economical compensate given to workers to be able to encourage them. Dollars most times is said to give preference to in temporary while non-financial compensate give preference to long lasting objectives (Heathfield, n.d.). Non- economical benefits offer considerable stages of worker fulfillment at little or no cost and the least expensive non-financial compensate is “Thank You”. It has been observed that most workers do not thank their workers enough for their initiatives (Heathfield, n.d.). Companies/organization looking to compensate efficiency and to market a effective work ethos among their workers are said to progressively accept non-financial ...
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