Emotional Intelligence: What Is Your Emotional Iq?

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Emotional intelligence: What is your emotional IQ?

Emotional intelligence: What is your emotional IQ?


IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Intelligence) although distinct capabilities, not opposed. Generally, people confuse intellectual acumen and moving; men high IQ and low EQ, or vice versa low IQ and high EQ are, despite the stereotypes, relatively uncommon. In fact, there is a slight correlation between IQ and some features of QE, however, small to make it clear that these are two quite independent entities (Cherniss, 2000).

Unlike the famous IQ tests, there is still no test to measure the QE, and maybe never will be. However, it is quite large range research on each of its components, some of them are well tested by actually sampling the fitness of a person in a particular task. For example, sending her to understand the emotions of a person in a video where facial expressions got to display.

As Goleman, the type of high IQ pure one in which no considered the QE is basically a caricature of intellectual, capable of the field of mind but inept staff worldwide. The profiles differ slightly in men and women (Druskat and Wolff, 2001).

"Man of high IQ is not surprisingly - a wide variety of interests and abilities. It is ambitious and productive predictable and stubborn and devoid of individual's interest. It also inclined to be critical and condescending, fastidious and inhibited somewhat comfortable in terms of sexual and sensual, deadpan and off, and emotionally cold."

In contrast, men with a high level of QE are balanced, communicative and full of spirit, not usually feel fear. Engage easily with people or causes have a lot of responsibility and moral vision, they are supportive and caring in their relationships. Have a life rich emotional and honest; usually are at peace with themselves and with others that surround them.

As women high IQs pure, according Goleman, they have intellectual confidence and fluency in expressing their views. Tend to introspectiveness, stress, complex of guilt, and can contain his anger (Druskat and Wolff, 2001).

Indirect. Emotionally intelligent women, on the other hand, tend to be assertive and communicate their views in a straightforward way, and feel good themselves, for them, life is meaningless. How men are communicative gregarious and communicate their feelings (not, for example, which then attacks regret); adapt well to tension. The social balance them allows them to go to others, they feel comfortable enough with themselves to be playful, spontaneous and open to sensual experience. Unlike women high IQs pure rarely feel anxiety or guilt, and nor plunge into ruminations (Cherniss, 2000).


Druskat, V. U., & Wolff, S. B. (2001). Building the emotional intelligence of groups. Harvard Business Review, 79(3), 80-91. Retrieved from http://www.mindsetmatters.com.au/Portals/0/dox/building%20emotional%20intelligence%20of%20groups.pdf

Cherniss, C. (2000, April). Emotional intelligence: What it is and why it matters. In the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA (Vol. 15). Retrieved from http://www.talentsmart.com/media/uploads/pdfs/eq-what-it-is.pdf


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