Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence - A study of its effects on Customer Service on SME in Singapore in the High Tech Industry for a customers' perspective

Table of content

Chapter 2: Literature review2


The Hi-Tech industry in Singapore2

What is high technology?3

Challenges facing competitiveness4

High technology firms5

What are Emotions6

Past Theorists7

Some EI related associated approaches and applications13

Strategic development and practices of EI14

Industrial customer service sectors15

Affiliation of technology and Emotional intelligence16

Bar-On EI16

Definition of Emotional Intelligence used in this study19

Emotional Intelligence Measures & approaches20

Emotional intelligence relevancy to emotional display22

Being authentic in Emotional display24

Emotional Intelligence and Cross-Functional Team Structure Maturity25

Understanding modes of customer perceptions28

Mayer and Salovey Ability based Model, MIXED model etc31

Mixed Model33

Self-Report Model33


Measurement of Customer Service34

SERVQUAL model explanation and write up34

Criticism of ServQual35

Definition of Customers in this study36

Summary of Literature review on Emotional Intelligence and Customer Service37

Chapter 2: Literature review


Emotional intelligence is a systematic procedure and analytical description of something which takes place in almost all of the organizations and firms that are found throughout the globe these days. It determines different social, educational, linking and resource backgrounds of a firm as a name and as collective connections of everything that it requires to have when it comes to effectively functioning and having all the potential to manage affiliations effectually and in a unique manner. Emotional intelligence is not a collective term, it comprises of about two elements that are to be understood in a clear manner before the application and proper outcome derivation.

The concepts of emotional intelligence have been changing for quite some time now and their drastic improvements and management have causes a complexity of computing devices and their benefits as well. For this same reason, the human abilities and capacities and their outcomes have grown as well for the fact that it has been causing more and more space options within the technological departments and people have wanted to use it more and more with time regards and several other different things.

Emotional intelligence when compared with other technical advancements and approaches on the other hand is the organization, implementation and visually implying of the things that are going on in the linking department of an affiliation. It is a systematic monitoring and revision of all communication channels and vessels through different parts of a company between the employees and customers to the management administration and includes about all of the improvements and success recommendations and effective strategies that are to be noted down along the way. It will also include the distribution of new communication directories connected with the firm employees, their emotional perception and several other resulting associations.

The Hi-Tech industry in Singapore

The term high tech refers to technology that is at the cutting edge: the most advanced technology currently available. It is often used in reference to micro-electronics, rather than other technologies. Strategy Sanity documents industry-accepted use of terms and acronyms, mostly dealing with the technology surrounding digital processors, semiconductors, and electronic equipment.

The high tech industry is the way to move forward and carve a niche in today's highly competitive ...
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