Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence


The term emotional intelligence refers to the capacity of a human being to feel, understand, manage and modify his or her emotional states. Emotional intelligence is not stifle emotions, but it is emotional intelligence that directs the emotions of the human beings and helps a human to balance their emotions under difficult circumstances. The concept of emotional intelligence, even if it is current, has in our view a clear forerunner in the concept of Social Intelligence psychologist Edward Thorndike in 1920 defined emotional intelligence as "the ability to understand and lead the men and women, boys and girls, and act wisely in human relations (Goleman, 1995).


Emotional intelligence and leadership

There has been a lot written on the topic of emotional intelligence and its importance in leadership, and this issue still continues to be a bone of contention for all the leaders. There have been many approaches adopted by certain leaders for the implementation of emotional intelligence in their leadership strategy, because it is the leader that influences the whole enterprise. In the next section we will discuss some of the essential components of leadership which must be adopted by the leaders, as these are the components that play an important role for the development of a good leader (Goleman, 1998). Emotional intelligence skills from a biological perspective, it is the art of leadership which requires proper combination of intelligence and emotion. There is no doubt about the importance of thinking analytically and with conceptual clarity is off immense importance. However, intellectual ability, by itself, does not make the leader, it must encourage a climate of cooperation and trust is only possible through emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence has four domains with their respective competencies, which are not else learned skills that provide basic tools to enhance resonance and therefore the effectiveness of the leader


From the standpoint of team work, emotions and moods may seem trivial but, however, have important effects. Moods either positive or negative hugely influences the fact of how we perceive the events and people that we meet in our everyday life. Hence the leader's ability to induce a positive mood and cooperative is essential to determine the success of the whole group. The leader is the person whose mission is to encourage, guide, inspire, listen and persuade the other members of a group. Leaders are generally people mobilizing that arouse our enthusiasm and encourage the best in us, are people who know how to handle their emotions.

Members of a group leader resort to seeking a conviction and clarity necessary to address a threat than a challenge or perform a certain task, in this sense the leader is the person who best knows the emotions of a route particular group. When leaders channeled the emotions in a positive direction, mobilize the best people causing an effect called "RESONANCE". When, on the contrary, made in a negative direction, generate "Dissonance". Depending on the effect they cause talk about leadership and leadership dissonant ...
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