Emotional Behavioral Disorder

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Emotional Behavioral Disorder

Emotional Behavioral Disorder


This paper has been written with regards to emotional behavioral disorder and focus has been laid on the exceptional children who are victim of this disorder, and the way in which they should get special education. The paper also covers the definition of emotional behavioral disorder, its characteristics, cause, reasons why it prevails, identification and tools of assessment.



Emotional behavioral disorder is a category that is used in educational settings, and it refers to the difficulties that the children as well as the adolescents face. The behavior which is observed may depend on different factors (Gilbert, 2008).


The children who face the problem of emotional disorder can be characterized by behavior, because it is beyond the norms and the way in which the other children belonging to their age group respond. The two dimensions include externalizing and internalizing that reflect abnormal behavior and have extremely negative effects on the children with regards to their academic life and social relationships. With regards to externalizing behaviors, children become antisocial, and display unexpected behavior such as by yelling, destroying property, stealing, telling lies and having temper tantrums. Moreover, these students are also 13.3% more likely to get arrested during their school tenure while 58% of the children facing this problem get arrested five years after they leave school. With regards to internalizing behaviors, it can be said that the children become aggressive, and stop interaction with others. Moreover, they act in an immature manner and exhibit anxiety and mood disorders.


Children can become victim of emotional behavioral disorder because of various factors but the most prevalent factor is the relationship between the parents of the child. Therefore, it can be said that if the relationship between the mother and the father is negative, the child also has a very negative impact. Besides this, the financial situation of the family also plays a major role in developing a child and his behavior.


Today, a greater number of children have become a victim of the emotional behavioral disorder. These have negative effect on the growth of the children, and results in mental health problems. Studies have revealed that 50%of the children face the problem; however, 15% of the children facing the problem receive proper consultation from their parents (Lee-Davis, 2007).


In order to deal with emotional behavioral disorder, it is suggested that Cognitive, behavioral therapy can be used ...
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