Emergency Management For The City Of Hudson

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Emergency Management for the City of Hudson


Phases of Emergency Management4





Hudson County steps for emergency5

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)5

Resources for emergency at Hudson County6

Notification of emergency6

Planning of emergency6



Emergency Management for the City of Hudson


An emergency is always unplanned incident which become the cause of deaths, injuries or loss in property. On the contrary is a disaster which is a large scale emergency and its consequences are also vast. A small or simple emergency becomes disaster when it is left unmanaged (Tierney et al, 2001). Emergency management is the discipline which mainly focuses on the reduction of life and property losses from the hazards or we call it emergency. These hazards are natural as well as man-made. It includes the mitigation, preparedness, recovery and response. Today, in all states and cities there is separate emergency department which have their own equipments. They also coordinate with other departments like the police, rescue and humanitarian organizations in order to effectively manage the emergency. Hudson, New Jersey is the most populated, busy and metropolitan county. Hudson County has its own Office of Emergency Management (OEM). The OEM has made its own emergency mitigation plan which covers all the 12 municipalities of county. It is supervised and funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In addition, they have signed different contracts with other organizations to assure the safety, environment, quality of life and reduce the risk of hazards (Hudson County, 2013). It has emergency planning committee which meets before and after the emergency or disaster.

Phases of Emergency Management

Many organizations have adopted well defined management style in order to effectively address the emergency. In this way, city of Hudson has also prepared a perfect emergency management which is divided into four steps.


According to the FEMA (2013), there is no time of disaster, we must remain prepare to face them. The main purpose of mitigation is to analyze, reduce and insure the risk. Management has to invest in short-term and long-term activities which reduce the loss of human and capital loss.


As we know at the time of disaster, there is always lack of communication, supplies and equipment to fight with the losses of emergency or disaster (Yodmani, 2001).. It is the duty of emergency department to make sure the availability of all kinds of material e.g. shelter and emergency kit. In advance, management prepares policies which are implemented at the time of emergency.


It is post disaster process which includes the search of emergency, evacuation and effected people. It is the responsibility of emergency management to search the location and then contact with related departments to send the personals for help. There might be a need of evacuation or in-shelter services (US Department of Justice, 2013). Volunteers are also reaching in this phase and deliver services.


In the response phase, emergency management put all energies to stuck losses. After stopping losses, it goes for the reconstruction and start work to make again the affected areas as operational (Davis Logic, 2005). In this phase, a large amount comes in ...