The scenario describes a situation in which there is an explosion on a rail car transporting chlorine to an industrial facility and its adverse effect will be felt by nearly 100,000 people. Downwind residents will be provided a temporary shelter so that the area can be evacuated. According to estimation, almost million dollar economy can get affected due to infrastructure and industrial damage. People's well being can also be endangered by water contamination. The Emergency Response team will have to deal with this situation in order to reduce number of causalities and other damage.
Emergency management is of great significance as this provides an organized way to deal with emergency situations. This helps in preparing and protecting against hazardous conditions that may cause mortality, harm or damage to the surroundings. This also allows coping with unpredicted emergencies that may occur at any time. Emergency management also provides strategies to restore the conditions of the environment to normal by reducing the risks of adverse occurrences.
The effectiveness of any emergency response team depends entirely on the strategies and planning of the processes the team would take in order to recover from the disaster. Apart from the actions that would be taken, the knowledge about hazards and potential risks will also help the team to carry out a focused rescue operation. The emergency response team should be trained well to ensure the recovery from the emergency (Environmental Health Sciences, 2011).
Hazards and protection of response team
Potential hazards in chlorine explosion can be skin damage, lungs infection and fire. In order to protect the team, members must be provided with oxygen masks and all inflammable devices should be removed from the area. The following emergency program elaborates the objectives of training program of emergency response team (Deployment Health and Family Readiness Library, 2007).
Training Program for Emergency Response Team
In order to develop a training program for the Emergency Response Team, the evaluation of all aspects of the given scenario is very important. The first important step is to mark the training objectives and analyzing them in detail. For every objective, there will be an entire set of training instructions covering all areas of considerations. Every objective will have different requirements and training needs. For a flawless training program, every objective needs to be considered separately. Training program does not only deal with instructing employees about their jobs but it also aims at motivating them towards their responsibilities. While developing an Emergency Training Program for any scenario, organizational factors are also considered (Environmental Health and Safety Notes, 2010).
Training objectives
The biggest challenge lies in attaining the targeted training objectives, is to overcome the flaws in the management of the Emergency Response Team. Since dealing with emergency situations is a very delicate task, so objectives are needed to be marked keeping in view all possible needs.
For the particular scenario of chlorine explosion, the objectives of training program can be marked by considering the guidelines as proposed by The Cultural Emergency Management ...