Emergence Of War Driving

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Emergence of War Driving

Emergence of War Driving


The concept of “war driving” refers to the action of people to search Wi-Fi wireless networks in any location by using a portable computer, laptop, mobile phone or personal digital assistant during driving. Many people interested in technology discover the "war driving" as a hobby. It is about the fine art of finding and marking of locations and status of the wireless network (WLAN). Here you can learn how to participate. For example, accessing to an unsecured wireless network during cycling. There is a large number of software available on that supports the concept of war driving.


When individuals think of security or lack of security in a wireless network, they believe that someone around their area can discover their point of access and try to connect it. War driving can be seen as an opportunity for those people who are ethical hackers. The terminology of wardriving is originated from “war dialing”. However, it does not include any kind of offensive weapons like guns (Beaver and Davis, 2011).

Educational Institute

After business world and residential houses, wardriving is moving towards the educational institutions (Duggan, 2004). Wardriving is a magnificent threat for the security of data. Professional hackers have the skills to find people's password of network security and connect it. They can misuse the data of others in illegal ways. For example Students can illegally connect to the network of their teachers in order to extract information about exams. Such misuse of wardriving is a vast threat to society. Information regarding credit cards numbers can also be extracted through wardriving. Everyone including educational institutes, industry and people at homes need to make an effort to fight against wardriving. Education can play a vital role in the fight against wardriving. Teachers and professors can create awareness about the threat ...