Healthcare activities: Nursing

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If you really want to sum up healthcare activities, you probably need several years of research. I conclude my understanding of healthcare, especially nursing in this discussion, as an effort to clear some basic concepts. Nursing is a profession within the healthcare sector that aims to take care of the individuals, communities and families to ensure that they may attain, recover and maintain their health for the betterment of the society. A very important point that has emerged is that it is very essential for the nurses to practice themselves the teachings that they teach and preach to others. It is obvious that patients and their family members view the nurses as role models to lead a healthy life in the society. For this reason, it becomes very essential for the nursing practitioners to lead a healthy lifestyle so that their patients could also lead a healthy lifestyle by following them. The core focus of this paper is to identify the value of the phrase “practice what you preach” in the profession of nursing through the following discussion.

You surely have seen nurses, performing healthcare activities in several hospitals. Their duty is much challenging than actually perceived. A nurse has a very difficult role of advocating their patient. They need to make sure they meet the needs of the patient with the best possible care. The definition of defense varies according to who provides the establishment of health care to which they belong. The nurse advocate is in a position of authority and respect, and to confirm the professional obligation of the nurse. According to the research of American Nurses Association (ANA), a nurse has the sole responsibility of promoting, advocating and striving to protect the rights and health of the patient. This shows that ...