Elta Theory Assignment

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ELTA Theory Assignment

ELTA Theory Assignment - Enabling Learning through Assessment.


Learner Progress and Achievement

When making, assessing or running course for the learners, it is significant for teachers to recognize and able to communicate clearly to the learners regarding intention of the course for their learning purpose and what they should perform and demonstrate in order to complete and pass the course. It is the responsibility of teacher to make such a learning environment for the learners in which all the activities of learning are appropriate for achieving learning outcomes that are desired by the teacher (Farrell, 2003). The basic point is to attain this goal is that all the teaching system components that includes process of teaching from planning through assessment, are aligned with each other in order for facilitating intended learning outcomes achievements. There is a need to plan assessment when course for the learner progress and achievement is designed by the teacher using learning outcome approach (Biggs, 2002). For devising this learner progression plan, different skills that are intended to be achieved by the learners are considered based on the learning outcomes. The teacher has considered surface as well as deep learning in the learner progression report and this progression can test memorizing, reproductive methods and acquired facts or skills. The main point is that teacher is able to recognize the progression level that is supposed to be achieved by the students and access in accordance (Shepard, 2000). The progression of the learners will be recorded on three basis that includes Approaching Expectations, Meeting Expectations and Exceeding Expectations.


Grading Scale

No. of Formal Reports

Reporting Areas Required

Primary Learners

Scale of Performance

Exceeding Expectations

Meeting Expectations

Approaching Expectations



English Language

Social Studies

Arts Education


Social Responsibility


Physical Education

The performance scales will b used to show progress in different language arts such as writing, listening, speaking and reading. These performance scales will also be used for reporting progression in other areas that includes education, arts, physical education and other habits. The performance for Grade 1-3 will be based on:

Exceeding Expectations

Meeting Expectations

Approaching Expectations

Not Yet Meeting Expectations

If there is any learner on an IEP, then one of the comments will be selected by the teacher:

(Name of the learner) is on IEP including adaption of the subject.

(Name of the learner) is on IEP including modification for the subject.

(Name of the learner) is on IEP including enrichment for the subject.

(Name of the learner) has learning plan which indicate adaption of the subject.

Learner Progress and Achievement Report

The learner's performance will be evaluated based on their performance and these standards are realistic expectations of the teacher regarding what is learner need to know and it will based on education. Specific criteria will be set by the teacher for evaluating learning of the learners and they will be based on expected performance levels and learning outcomes. The progress of the learners will be reported with help of written comments and performance scale in order to exhibit their progress associated with learning outcomes expected from these learners. Since performing assessment and reporting growth of achievements of the learners ...