Eligibility Rules

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Eligibility Rules

Eligibility Rules

The significance of eligibility has specially been highlighted when it comes to the rationing of services and benefits. One of the most important benefits that eligibility rules provide is that they direct available resources towards those individuals who are in greatest need of them. However, a common drawback associated with them is that off-targeted eligibility rules can often encourage the provision of available resources to those who do not need them at that particular point in time. This essentially means that there is a fair chance that those in dire need of such resources will be denied access to them.

NASADAD Inc. (aka National Association of State Alcohol/Drug Abuse Directors) is a privately owned non-profit informational, scientific, and educational organization. It was initially incorporated in the year 1971 for the purpose of serving SDAD (State Drug Agency Directors). However, after an expansion of the membership in 1978, State Alcoholism Agency Directors were also included in the association. The eligibility rule followed by NASADAD is similar to the means testing. According to this eligibility criterion, an initial assessment of the applicant's strengths, skills, needs, and wants is conducted.

By using a means testing technique, NASADAD establishes the skills, strengths, wants and needs of the particular applicant. The plan then assesses these attributes of the applicant and relates them to a service plan that is efficient. Hence the plan is effective in terms of determining whether the applicant is eligible for the SUD services or any other services provided by NASADAD. The plan also aims to establish the particular level of services for which the applicant is eligible. The case eligibility criteria also include reviewing functional areas for the procurement and of services and vocational skills.

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