Elements Of Design

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Elements of Design

Elements of Design


An element of design gives an understanding to speak about design of the film as effective, visually arresting, or aesthetically pleasing. Film is a medium, and is therefore, necessary to interpret the results to find out what we want to communicate. A film made up of millions of different elements that together form narrative possibilities of varied comments (Kilmer, 2002). Like any story, film techniques used to be known, discover and interpret the messages come to us in the most similar to how those who have made the film has tried. In this paper, we are going to analyze Arnold Schwarzenegger' nose scene.

Names of the Artists

Director: Paul Verhoeven

Production Designer: William Sandell

Art Designer: José Rodríguez Granada (as Jose Rodriguez Granada) & James E. Tocci (as James Tocci)

Cinematography: Jost Vacano

Costume Design: Erica Edell Phillips

Role of artists


Film director is the person who directs the making of a film, gives instructions to the players; decide the setting of camera monitors the scenery and costumes, and all other necessary functions to make a success of the shoot. He plays main part in implementation of technical script (frame, background, camera movement, lens and angle) as the selection and casting of actors and other professionals, the natural scenes to be shot in the movie sets, or the final draft of the script. Paul Verhoeven has played all the responsibilities of a director.

Production designer

Production designer plays an important part in the overall process of design in the film. The production designer shares the same hierarchical level as the director and the director of photography. He is responsible for the visual aspect of a film through the design and construction of the sets with selection and adaptation of natural settings (Pile, 2007). This is the seminal force of the creative art department. A production designer works hand in hand with the director on all visual aspects of the film, and oversees the four main artistic divisions: the sets (whose work on the choice of shooting locations), props (objects that handle actors), costumes, makeup. William Sandell has played very important rule in the success of the film. Viewers found Total recall a very good film because of its elements of deigns.

Art Designer

The art director leads the design process from sketch to finished decor. He oversees and directs the art department, serving as an interface with all other departments; he oversees the production of sets and controls all the spending and budget of his department (Nielson, 2002). Although his creative involvement is essential to implement the ideas of the production designer, the entire responsibility for the design concept is based solely on the latter. Therefore, we can say that, every artist plays an important role in reflecting the reality of the character in the film. There were two art designers of Total recall names as José Rodríguez Granada (as Jose Rodriguez Granada) & James E. Tocci (as James Tocci). They also have played a good role in making of the film. They hard work and efficiency of these ...
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