Electronic Time Reporting

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Electronic Time Reporting System Upgrade for CSC Inc


Corporation Service Company is a Registered Agent in the United States of America. It provides financial services to third parties and manages their portfolios. Implementing this system in the company will make sure that financial reporting will be carried out in an effective way which will benefit the company, as well.

Technology has brought a immense change in every aspect of life. Financial reporting has been the only field where so significant change had taken place, but this system, electronic time reporting system has brought a huge change in the financial reporting. Through this system, financial reporting can be done in a much better and improved way.

This system has a lot of advantages such as; it saves time as well as cost, and helps the company and employees in performing better. This improved performance will help the company in making the most. It will reduce errors and will also make sure that the performance of the company is good. Financial reporting is a complex procedure which should be done with exceptional care. This financial reporting should be done in such a way where all transactions are properly recorded, and no error is committed.

The paper will research the benefits of the electronic data reporting by conducting qualitative research. Qualitative research includes conducting interviews with five employees of the company. The research questions will be aimed towards exploring the benefits of the electronic reporting system. Literary research is also discussed in this paper, which gives the view of different authors on electronic time reporting. The findings of the research present that the employees are willing to implement this system and want to make sure that they benefit from the company. They are keen to improve their performance so that they can benefit the company as well as the client.

The conclusion and recommendation present the final word on research and ways of improving the system are also presented.





Benefits to the Company2

Aims and Objectives3



Rationale for a Qualitative Study4

Research Question4

Role of the Researcher5

Researcher Bias5


Data Collection and Processing Procedures6

Quality and Verification6

Data Security: Participant Anonymity and Document Retention7


Research Question (i):8

Research Question (ii)8

Research Question (iii)8

Research Question (iv)8

Research Question (v)9

Literary Research Findings9





The electronic time reporting is a system that helps in upgrading the financial system of companies. The financial reporting requires a lot of time and effort, and the finance department makes sure that these things are taken care of so that they are well organized and the element of errors is minimized. This method will help the company in making effective use of time and will also help in keeping records and manage them. Electronic time reporting system will also help in creating a paperless environment. This system will prove to be beneficial for the environment, as well as, the company.


Although, this concept is new, but there are certain companies that have implemented this system in their business. A paper less environment is created. It helps in saving time and reduces the costs ...
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