Electronic Health Record

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We Can But Should We?

We Can But Should We?


Electronic health record also known as EHR is a computer based records that have just been introduced. EHR is an organized system of information regarding individual patients and the entire population. It has digitally formatted records and has the ability of sharing EHR with different health institutions by planting it with network-connected enterprise-wide information systems. The records may have information regarding demographics such as age, gender, name, medical history, medication and allergies, immunization status, laboratory test results, radiology images, vital signs, personal stats like age and weight, and billing information. The records are not just used for records of patient care; it is also used for legal as well as financial information. It also is used for research and improvement of the quality.

According to an article published in a website, it states that in Cleveland, the adoption and implementation has doubled since the year 2009. This report was issue by the department of Health and Human services. In fact, hospitals are recommending and encouraging the use of such system. Doctors or hospitals that implement this system instantly will officially qualify for incentive payments which will be disbursed in the year 2011 and 2012. It is also said that the implementation of this system has created room for jobs. By the year of 2018, the volume of jobs relating to Health IT will increase up to 20 percent (www.healthcareitnews.com)

The Advantages of Electronic Health Record (EHR)

One definite advantage is that Electronic Health Record (EHR) has elevated storage abilities. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is also accessible from sites that are distant and the information can be taken out any time. The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is constantly updated and is accessible anytime and everywhere.

The Electronic Health Record (EHR) also aids in providing alerts as well as reminders. Electronic Health Record (EHR) has customer made inbuilt intelligence abilities. Intelligence abilities in terms s of detecting lab test results, Probability of drug usage (Young, 2000). The Research findings state that the diagnostic tests along with EHR can be the link the clinician to care plans, databases of literature along with pharmaceutical information”. Systems should not and cannot take the place of doctors, but an Electronic Health Record (EHR) can aid in being judgmental and as well as an aid in decision making process (Schloeffel, 2003).

Third benefit of Electronic Health Record (EHR) ...
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