Electronic Commerce

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Electronic Commerce



The Opportunity Brought the Internet4

The End of Jobs4

The path4

Why Fit a Project on the Internet5

The strength novelty equals opportunities5

Turnover of e-commerce in Brazil7

Grains for the world8

The advantage of being the last9

How to Run Business on Internet9

Need for less infrastructure10

What you need to know about e-commerce11

Choosing a good niche market11

What to sell?12

To whom to sell?12

Who is your target customer?13

What is the market size?13

The amount of competition is acceptable13

There are legal restrictions that hinder the marketing?14

Plan well your business14

What is a business plan?15

Mounting an effective Web-shop16

Stores that give detailed information about the product16

Stores that transmit confidence to the visitors17

Inclusion in search engines18


Web ads19

Affiliate Programs20



Electronic Commerce


Electronic commerce is also known as 'e-commerce', has developed rapidly in the recent years. In this essay, the e-commerce advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. E-commerce also consists of various items. Now, people are aware of the overall phase that is 'e-commerce', but there are lot more things behind the concept of e-commerce. People think that e-commerce only reflects the buying and selling process over the internet. E-commerce itself is a broad term that is used to describe the electronic exchange of items or business data between two or more computers of the organization. E-commerce also includes the process of buying and selling the item over the internet, it also includes the smart cards, electronic fund transfer and other relevant techniques for conduction of business over digital networks (Costa, 2010).

In other words, electronic commerce refers to the group of global companies where real transactions and negotiations of goods and services are conducted. The overall process is conducted through electronic rather than physically. Today, e-commerce is known around the world, and it is general terms for any kind of business or it may be used for commercial transaction that involves the transfer of information through electronic way. This particularly covers a broad range of different types of business from the consumer-oriented retail sites such sponsored search auctions used by market exchanges and Google, Amazon and trading goods and services between individuals and corporations. The below is the discussion that I chose from the e-book, “Global E-commerce Strategies for Small Businesses”.


The Opportunity Brought the Internet

The End of Jobs

Over the past four years, I have been teaching classes for e-commerce the students of Computer Science at the University, and throughout the semester begins to make contact with the students on the first day of class, the same sensations repeat themselves: the crowd of eyes following the entrance to the new teacher. Joyful eyes, bored, attentive, hopeful, suspicious, tired, but all reflecting a general vision: get a good job at the end of the program. And this is where the problem lies annually; about one and a half million young people are thrown in the labor market, many of which will thicken the statistics as unemployed. According to IBGE (SMEs), the unemployment rate was pointing to 10.2% in May 2005, i.e., more than two million unemployed in major metropolitan areas. Other agencies have even larger ...
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