Eight Essays

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Eight Essays

Essay 1

Thinking without words and culture

A question has arisen in various areas and by various people. This question is if we could think without words or culture. The general answer to this question is yes. However, most of the people would not agree with the argument that I am about to put forward. Firstly, lets about culture. It is true that the culture of an individual is the primary aspect of shaping its belief. The values and traditions in one's culture shape its overall mindset and the individual's actions reflect these values as well as its culture. However, it is not necessary that without culture, an individual would be able to think. A lone person would eventually travel and learn the things that it would come across. These things would facilitate its knowledge and its beliefs and eventually these would be the things that would affect the individual's thought process. In addition to that, generally people without culture are considered to have a broader perspective of life as well as our world. Apart from that, it is considered that people cannot think without words. I do not agree with this statement as the thought process and creativity is even highlighted through pictures and paintings. It is generally said that paintings and picture say a lot of things. They reflect the ideas of the maker. Thus, it is possible to think without words. In addition to that, people of the early ages did not have a language to communicate initially. Still, they were able to think of how to attain the basic necessities of life including food and shelter (Haviland, W. A. 2010).

Essay 2

Baby Doll Zuberi

Since these are the modern times, there are numerous different things to facilitate the playing experiences of children. These include stuff toys, gadgets, action figures, virtual games, etc. However, dolls are considered as one of those toys which still excite small girls. The increasing reputation and sales of Barbie Dolls is a primary example of this. However, as stated above, dolls are something that is played with by girls, rather than boys. Thus, if my son asks for a baby doll I would rather prefer distracting him with an action figure. The basic reason behind this is that there are different cultures present in this world. People are free to speak their minds and perform actions which they themselves are solely responsible for. One of these things is the increasing awareness of bisexuals and gays. In addition to that, when my child grows up, he may want to experience something other than traditional or conventional. It is an important thing to consider that with an increase in the awareness of the people in general, the teenagers and young students tend to experiment a lot. This is commonly found in the activities of the college students. Thus, my child may want to do that someday and may prefer being gay than being straight. Eventually, this is likely to cause him a lot of issues when he grows ...
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