Effects Of Service Quality

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Effects of Service Quality


The paper discusses the effect of service quality on information technology. With the passage of time, the outsourcing services in the IT sector became a backbone of organization's operational and management infrastructure. From software to web development, the companies outsource a variety of information services. As the operational areas increased, the need for an effective execution of projects became imperative. The complex and sophisticated tasks of information management became a critical factor in ensuring the service quality fir the outsourcing agent.

The companies started focusing on service quality because they could not afford the risk of unprofitable task executions. Any flaws may increase the operational risks, beside the organizations want to achieve cost reduction and economies of scales by handing over the outsourcing work to the particular agents. Despite the benefits, the organizations remained focused towards achieving a successful outcome through the agents. The service attributes are important to achieve the success of outsourcing partnership. ). The research is undertaken to analyze the impact of service quality on outsourcing relationship. It examines the ongoing interaction and formation of the outsourcing relationship in terms of service quality. The purpose is to outline the shared norms and interest of the outsourcing partners in achieving service quality. The paper discusses the same service quality attributes through analyzing the satisfaction level of the organizations with their former and current outsourcing agents. The research collected the initial data from the existing literature that helped analyzing the current features of service quality. It is found that the IT organizations emphasize on the service quality, specifically in commitment and prompt service delivery in outsourcing projects. This is the reason why the agents have to put service quality at the froe front of every IT outsourcing task.

Table of Contents



Historical context of IT outsourcing2

Rationale of the Paper3


Problem statement4

Literature review4


Evolution of outsourcing IT5

Trends in IT outsourcing6

Areas of IT outsourcing11

Impact of Negative Service Quality on Future Re-Outsourcing Decisions12

Contribution of the Agency Theory to the IT Outsourcing Relationship Analysis14



Data Collection14

Survey instruments15

Discussion/Body of Research15

Impact of Service Quality Risk Factors on Future Re-Outsourcing Decisions15

In House Competence Issue17


Data Collection process19

Measurement Scale Development19

The Service Quality Attributes20

Statement of Learning20

Implication for Future Research21




Amant Kirk, (2009) IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Business Science Reference.

Kirk St.Amant is an Assistant Professor of Scientific Communication at James Madison University. He has an ample knowledge and experience in the field if IT. His writings are generally based on IT issues and the implementation of these in the academic and business applications. This book depicts the nature of outsourcing as a significant tool of modern IT practices.

Anderson Merrill, (2000) In Action: Building Learning Capability through Outsourcing, ASTD.

Anderson Merril is a leading business analyst and scholar. Most of his writings highlight the technological innovation and new changes in business practices. This book is one of these initiatives in understanding the learning capabilities through the implementation of outsourcing services.

Garton Colleen, (2005) Fundamentals of Technology Project Management, Mc Press.

Colleen Garton has worked in the position of project management in successful ...
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