Effects Of Music Therapy In Therapeutic Change

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Effects of Music Therapy in Therapeutic Change

Effects of Music Therapy in Therapeutic Change


According to a latest research it has been found that music can have many positive affects in the treatment of different types of diseases and illnesses. There has been an increase in the usage of music for affecting the treatments in a positive manner and a large amount of literature and real life examples have proved the positive effects of music. Music has been termed as an aural stimulant by many authors and has been witnessed to evoke positive physical responses in the body. A recent growth in the field of health care and treatment through music, known as music therapy has taken place which is becoming very popular in some of the well known hospitals. Many medical institutions and hospitals make use of music to reduce depression, management of pain, reduce muscle tension and keep the patients calm as music has been witnessed to not only affect the physical parts of the body but also affect the patient emotionally. Music therapy is used to speed up the healing and recovery process of patients and has proven to be useful in many instances.


Music therapy has the strength to affect the treatment of patients in by affecting different parts and functions of the body. The most important part of the body is that of a brain that controls almost all the functions of the body and research proves that music has the ability to change the functions of the brain (Scott, 2011). A researcher by the name of Budzynski conducted a research on elderly citizens and found out that rhythmic therapy can change the brain functions by increasing the blood flow and improving cognitive functioning of the brain in old age citizens. Electroencephalographs are the type of devices that are used to measure the impulses in the bran and can be used to resolve the conscious states of mind and brain like anxiety, sleep and concentration (Fingelkurts et.al, 2011, pp.1). Secondly the music therapy can also control the heart beat rate and berating with the help of slow or fast music. Where fast music can make a person more alert and active the slow music can be used make the person relax and stress free. When we talk about peace of mind and relaxation, music plays an important role keeping the mind of a person cool and stress free by increasing the optimism level of a person. Additional benefits related to that of music therapy are to control and lower the blood pressure which in turn decreases the chance of heart attacks or stroke in a person. Secondly it can also boost the defensive and immunity mechanism of person by reducing the stress levels and increasing relaxation. Due to unlimited positive effects of music therapy many famous hospitals have made music therapy as one of the standard processes to relieve and manage pain and stress conditions in patients. The American Music Therapy Associations is one such institution that promotes the ...