Effects Of Increase In Ticket Prices And Athlete Salaries In Professional Sports

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Effects of increase in Ticket Prices and Athlete Salaries in Professional Sports


In this research paper, we analyze the negative impact of increase in ticket prices and athlete prices on professional sports. The paper examines the reasons for such acts and how they can they be proved responsible for the damaging of a particular sport. The paper further provides facts and figures from previous researches and evidences about the topic.

Table of Contents




Effects of increase in Ticket Prices in Professional Sports4


Reason for high ticket rates5

Decrease in Audience5

Comparison of ticket prices from past6

Greediness shown by the owners6

Link with athlete's salaries7

Effects of increase in Athlete Salaries in Professional Sports7


Negative acts of Athletes - A result of high Salaries8

Research relating to Athletes' Behavior9

Threaten to Sports' integrity due to high salaries10

Transition of Sports into Business10



Effects of increase in Ticket Prices and Athlete Salaries in Professional Sports


Professional sport is a kind of sport in which athletes and players get money for taking part in the sports. Professional sports have emerged from ranks as an improved profession and has become a profitable business for stake holders. The coverage of professional sports by electronic media and increased leisure has attracted a large amount of audiences to the profession. Now, many children desire to become a professional sports person as there used to be a desire to become a doctor and engineer in the past. There are certain aspects that are negatively affecting professional sports. Two of the major issues are; the increase in ticket prices and athlete salaries. These issues can negatively affect the sports as well as the audience involved.


Effects of increase in Ticket Prices in Professional Sports


The increase in ticket prices has affected professional sports negatively to a large extent. Logically, the prices of tickets would not have been that high if the people boycott these high ticket rates. Since, people are ready to pay such high amounts to watch their idols play, therefore, these ticket prices are kept on increasing. This problem of higher ticket rates has made it harder for families to watch professional sports. For instance, if a person has a family comprising of four members, then he has to pay an amount of nearly 800 dollars. Along with this, he has to pay an additional amount for food and kids' souvenirs.

Reason for high ticket rates

According to Zimbalist, there are two reasons that have made the price tickets skyrocketed. Firstly, there are new facilities introduced in the sports stadiums (Zimbalist & Noll, 1997). Secondly, 20% of the audiences who have higher incomes are ready to buy the highest priced seats; therefore, creating an increase in prices for other non-willing audience too. According to the professor of economics at Vanderbilt, John Siegfried, ticket prices have not risen up in order to pay the athletes from this money. The owners of the franchises and clubs are businessmen who are highly successful and rich and are not dependent on ticket prices for athlete's salaries. Actually, the prices have risen dramatically due to the willingness shown by ...
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