Effects Of Globalization On Infectious Diseases

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Effects of Globalization on infectious diseases

Effects of Globalization on infectious diseases


Globalization can't be outlined as a solitary notion or enveloped inside a set time span, nor does it have a decidedly demarcated starting or close, making it especially difficult to outline (1). It might be all the more correctly outlined as 'the increase of financial, political, social and social relations crosswise over borders 'advances are the central point in globalization considering further relationship on a budgetary and social level (2). The expanded utilization of the Internet specifically has had significant impacts on globalization, taking into account interconnectedness and reliance giving associations and nations the guarantee of more terrific investment and social development(3). Along with a number of positive points, the major problem with the globalization is that it has led to the spread of many infectious diseases. The diseases that once stayed confided to the under developed and developing countries have not widely spread throughout the developed countries as well. This spread and changes in the environment due to global warming and industrialization have combined affected the epidemiology of the infectious diseases. Although globalization has been a reason of potential economic benefit to the countries, but the advent of the spread of these infectious diseases can not be overlooked.


TB in south Asia and USA

Tuberculosis is one of the most commonly prevailing diseases worldwide. With the current set of information gathered, it is quite obvious that the epidemiology of the infectious diseases is affected by the migrating population. With the advancement ion globalization, this prevalence, if not controlled, will increase even more in the near future.

According to the researchers, the Millennium Development Goal of TB elimination by 2050 is impossible to achieve. The major reason behind this is the densely populated regions of South Asia and Africa. This also includes United States of America, as it is one of the top ranking countries regarding the migrants received from worldwide. Tuberculosis is an endemic disease in Asia and Africa. With the advancement of globalization, the disease is spreading globally through the migrants of these regions (4).

With the globalization on its peak, the next fifteen years will create more distance between the rich and the poor population. This will increase the migrants, to travel around for a better lifestyle. Many researchers have termed the twenty first century, as the century of migrants. These migrants are more likely to emerge with infections that they would spread in the migrated countries. When the West Nile virus was first indicated to be present in the New York city back in 1999, the researchers at that time came up with the hypothesis that the mosquito travelled through the wheels of the airplanes. In literary terms, this means that the mosquito travelled through the infected people of that region. Global warming has also played its role in the spread of the infectious diseases. The global warming produces environmental changes that affects the growth and spread, hence the epidemiology of many infectious vectors (6)

The tuberculosis has more than 85 % ...
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