Effectiveness Of Teaching Reading Strategies To Low Achieving Students

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Effectiveness of Teaching Reading Strategies to Low Achieving Students

Effectiveness of Teaching Reading Strategies to Low Achieving Students


It is indeed a great challenge to teach in the public schools of today that usually run on low income. Teachers of such schools have to come up with even advanced resources to teach, and also have to be adequately tactful for dealing with the students coming from all the various sorts of backgrounds, and all the different types of issues associated to them. Students having problems in their personal and school life, and eventually having deficient sleeps, hardly think of reading as a solution. However, the teachers, while establishing classroom instructions, ought to take into consideration, all the various pertinent as well as superfluous activities. Students always necessitate such a teacher who may be able to understand their problems and help them learn with all the hang-ups clouding around them. The students disturbed because of the various happenings in their families or their social life, often appear to be low achievers and poor performers. Such students must however be directed to appropriate reading strategies that help them connect to the academic on-goings in the class.

An appropriate method to inculcate the reading habit amongst the students is to form small groups out of the total class strength that integrates the various reading strategies. This assimilation of strategy-centered reading within the daily class lectures would be of a great help not only to the low aching students but would also further enhance the performance of the high achievers (Harvey, S. & Goudvis, A., 2007). However, the strategy-centered reading is primarily needed by the low achieving students; these students are the ones who require much more support and fortification than the other high achieving students.

It has been observed that the students, who are poor performers and low achievers in schools, tend to adapt to ill activities like, school bunks, violent offense, crimes, alcohol abuse, etc. and ultimately become a nuisance to the society (Shaw, 1999). Hence, by teaching these low achievers, the various effective reading strategies, teachers may largely help them integrate those reading strategies into their every day lessons. In this way, the students get a finer aptitude to understand what they learn by connecting the content they read to the daily academic activities.

Effects of teaching reading strategies to the low achieving students

Reading has been defined as the elementary and the foremost requirement for education in the modern society. It has become really of the essence to make sure that all the students are proficient readers. The assimilation of the various reading strategies into the everyday lectures, enables the students acquire a finer understanding of the academic literature they go through as a routine activity in school. While reading, student may adapt the suitable reading strategies conveyed to them via their teachers, which are resolute and help them establish correct meanings out of the text they read. Successful reading mainly counts on the intellectual capacity to absorb the text being read, leaving behind just ...
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